What are Assurance Services?
The Assurance Services focus area emphasizes research, education and knowledge transfer, and interaction initiatives at UWCISA, particularly attuned to topics such as:
- external FS audits,
- IT controls and assurance,
- use of specialists in FS audit and other assurance engagements,
- emerging assurance service areas and related technologies & tools, and
- professional responsibilities of assurance providers.
Led by

Tim Bauer, PhD, CPA, CA
UWCISA Associate Director Assurance Services
Disseminating Best Practices, Sharing Material (Workshops / Conferences)
Developing Courses, Workshops, Cases and Other Teaching Material
Courses and programs
IT controls and assurance innovation
- Under the leadership of Malik Datardina of Auvenir, UWCISA sponsored the development of a course on technology, assurance, innovation, and value creation. The course explores exponential technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and AI.
Master’s research paper
- The Master of Accounting (MAcc) Program at the University of Waterloo offers students the option to complete a Master's Research Paper (MRP) instead of a 4th elective course, over the 8 months (Jan-Aug) of the program.
- In 2024, two students are completing an MRP in the assurance area: Simreyna Kang, as supervised by Tim Bauer, and Matthew Tam, as supervised by Brad Pomeroy and Adam Vitalis.
Student case competitions, mentorship, and awards
UWCISA PhD & Academic Career Mentorship Program in Audit & Assurance, Cybersecurity, or Accounting Information Systems (AIS)
- Under the leadership of Tim Bauer and sponsored by ISACA Toronto Chapter, UWCISA created the UWCISA PhD and Academic Career Mentorship Program in Audit & Assurance, Cybersecurity, or Accounting Information Systems (AIS).
- Its purpose is to provide UW undergraduate and MAcc students who are interested in pursuing a PhD with an opportunity to learn more about an academic career in audit, assurance, cybersecurity, AIS, or related fields.
- Prospective students are encouraged to follow the link above and see how to join the mentorship program in F24-W25.
Practitioner resources
Research on the future of assurance services
- Under the guidance of Kaylynn Pippo, CPA Canada, Tim Bauer and Brad Pomeroy created a blog Research on the future of assurance services.
- The blog, released in January 2023, summarizes for practitioners UWCISA’s Phase 1 and 2 research on new assurance service areas (e.g., catalogue, interviews, roundtables).
Engaging with Profession, Students, Public
Assurance in practice
- Tim Bauer has been invited to speak to members of the Halton-Peel CPA Ontario Association in September 2024. The topic of his presentation is: Emerging Services and Technologies for CPA Firms and CPA Professionals
- The presentation will focus on assurance and advisory services offered by CPA firms and competitors, as well as technologies being used or encountered by CPA professionals in their various careers, and examine emerging trends in these services and technologies in light of recent calls for the profession to transform itself beyond financial statement measurement and auditing.