Welcome to the VORTEX Lab!

Illustration of heart and circulatory system

Welcome to the Vascular Observations through Research on Technology and Exercise (VORTEX) Lab!

Research in the VORTEX Lab

Blood vessels are more than simple tubes that carry blood; the circulatory system is a dynamic environment that is intricately linked to most bodily functions and serves multiple roles in maintaining optimal cardiovascular health. In our lab, we are interested in better understanding how arterial and venous function are controlled at rest, as well as during exercise and sedentary behaviour.

In particular, we are interested in how arterial bifurcations and venous valves accomodate increases and decreases in blood flow, and what those accomodations mean for cardiovascular health. We are able to study these very complex regions with the help of cutting-edge biomedical ultrasound techniques that allow us to examine the multi-directional nature of blood flow at sub-milisecond resolutions. Our work applies to both exercing humans (who have short-term large increases in blood flow to active areas), as well as sedendary humans (who may experience reductions in blood flow over a long period). We are excited to tackle these areas in vascular physiology and look forward to growing our research capcity over the next few years!

What can you find on the VORTEX Lab website

This website will be kept up to date on the latest findings, ongoing research projects, and personnel coming out of the VORTEX Lab. Prospective trainees are encouraged to check out the About section to explore the general research directions of the lab, as well as the expertise areas of individual graduate students in the lab. External visitors will find up-to-date personnel profiles for trainees, as well as overviews of the main techniques employed in the lab.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

VORTEX Lab website is Live!

Our website is live! Check back often for regular updates on lab activites, events, news briefings, and more.