Recruitment for ongoing studies

This page will be periodically updated with calls for ethics-approved research studies in the VORTEX Lab.

Cardiorespiratory responses to disc golf (ORE 45365)

Description: Disc golf is an emerging low-cost, low-barrier to entry sport that has been purported to be an alternative activity to stay active and meet physical activity guidelines. However, the typical cardiorespiratory responses to disc golf have not been studied. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the body responds to a single 18-hole round of disc golf. Participants will be outfitted with ‘smart shirts’ that monitor heart rate, breathing, and activity with sensors integrated into a spandex-style shirt.

What will be asked of you: 15-min call to complete eligibility and health questionnaires, plus one 2-hour round of disc golf at Columbia Lake, located on the University of Waterloo campus.

Eligibility: Healthy adults aged 18-60 who: 1) do not have documented history of cardiovascular disease; 2) are non-smokers; 3) are not pregnant; 4) do not have amenorrhea (absence of menstruation); 5) have at least 1 year of experience playing disc golf.

Contact: Jason Au,  

This study has been reviewed by and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board.