As part of the Water Institute's WaterTalks lecture series, Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services for York Region and Douglas Wright Engineer-in-Residence will present: York Region’s One Water Story… recognizing the value of water in all its forms.
The Turkstra
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York Region has embarked on a One Water Journey which is showing how new ways of thinking can bring community benefits, whether through better service quality, less disruptive infrastructure solutions, or greener and more welcoming surroundings, in addition to cost savings.
York Region’s water and wastewater master planning reflects our One Water Approach which calls for solutions that are forward-thinking, and that aim to keep the Region welcoming and livable as it becomes more urbanized.
This makes One Water central to the Region’s strategy for water and wastewater management. One Water encourages matching sources of water to their best end uses. By recognizing that not all water needs to be treated to drinking water quality levels, One Water can increase the capacity of existing infrastructure and reduce the need for new investment. This presentation will cover the efforts by Environmental Services in York Region to advance One Water approaches by working with our partners to recognize the value of water in all its forms.
Speaker bio

Erin Mahoney is Commissioner of Environmental Services for York Region, overseeing water and wastewater services, waste management, forestry, corporate energy and corporate asset management for 1.2 million residents and 28,000 businesses. Erin leads a team of about 500 staff in the Environmental Services department, which was inducted into the Leading Utilities of the World network in 2017.
Erin is the 2021 Douglas Wright Engineer-in-Residence for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Waterloo. She is also a Board member of the Federal Sustainable Development Technology Canada and past Chair of the Regional Public Works Commissioners of Ontario. She also has served on the board of WaterTAP, a Canadian water technology accelerator.
She has over 30 years of public and private sector leadership experience on water and wastewater service delivery, policy, environmental legislation and public engagement.
Erin is currently leading a department-wide transformation to digital in Environmental Services.
As an active member of the public works community she holds memberships with Global Water Leaders (GWI), Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Toronto Region Board of Trade, American Public Works Association and American Water Works Association.
The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier-free accessibility for persons with disabilities who are visiting, studying or working at Waterloo. If you have questions concerning access or wish to request accommodations for this event, please contact Julie Grant (j26grant@uwaterloo.ca)