Water Institute Research Conference 2018

This online three-day international conference will explore progress against the UN’s SDGs at the intersection of water, health, food and gender through the work of international experts and early career scholars from Canada, Africa and Asia who will share research experiences and lessons learned from a variety of multi-sectoral projects led by academic and local partners.
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
John Hartig, Visiting Scholar, University of Windsor’s Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research presents:
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
Nadja Kunz, Canada Research Chair in Mine Water Management and Stewardship, University of British Columbia presents:
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
Margaret Insley, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Waterloo presents:
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
Melissa DeYoung, Director Policy & Programs at Pollution Probe presents:
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
Carolyn Johns, Professor, Department of Politics & Public Administration, Toronto Metropolitan University presents:
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
Aaron Atcheson, Partner and Leader, Real Property & Development, Miller Thomson LLP presents:
As part of the Water Institute's Webinar Series: The Value of Water in Canada
Merrell-Ann Phare, Commissioner, International Joint Commission, Founding Executive Director of the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)presents: