SWIGS announces 2021 Water and You art contest winners

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

This spring, the Students of the Water Institute Graduate Section, SWIGS, opened their 2021 Water and You art contest to students in grades 4 to 7 in schools in Waterloo Region. The goal of the contest was to provide students with an opportunity to learn about water-related issues while expressing their creativity by creating original artwork that directly relates to a current water issue here in Canada or globally. This year's theme was WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). 

Over 50 pieces of art were submitted and the winning submissions were announced in June. The winning art works and their descriptions are:  

1st Place Winners

Art By Zoe 

Art piece by Zoe. A woman swimming in clean water and polluted water"My family and I always go to the beach in the summer. I remember the beautiful clear water. The smell of the water breeze, wind whipping through my hair. But there are some beaches we went to that weren't so beautiful. Garbage was piled high, plastic bottles bobbing up and down, and bags strewn all over the place. I was so disappointed one time we went to the beach and saw pollution everywhere. I created my piece of art to show how our wildlife feels. Drowning, being strangled, not knowing what's food and what's garbage. We could have lived a life with clean, fresh water. We could have lived a life where fish swam freely and plants grew openly. But we didn't change in time. I want to inspire people before it's too late. We need to change. And we need everyone to do that with us. "

Art By Tara

Art by Tara. Woman imagines a happy world with clean water while being in a polluted world "Hello, I am Tara. I drew an unhappy girl in poor water conditions with unclean rivers, dirty brownish water from sinks, dirty laundry clothes hung up, lots of pollution, and acid rain. She dreams of a place with clean and healthy water and imagines a beautiful World with no pollution and clean rivers around her. There are many children in the World like the unhappy girl are not at able to wash their hands and drink healthy water. During COVID19 we realized how important clean water is. We have to wash our hands several times a day. Unfortunately, a lot of people and factories pollute the water by throwing garbage, waste and chemicals in rivers and oceans which is hurting the fish and the sea life. I think we all shouldn’t pollute and waste the water so our World can be as beautiful as the place the unhappy girl was dreaming of. If we pollute the water on earth where else can we go? "

2nd Place Winner

Art by Serena 

Art by Serena. Earth in space is supplied water at the top and releases dirty water at the bottom "My art work shows a vacuum sucking all the bad dirty water and the stuff in the bad water and then pouring fresh clean water for everyone on earth."

3rd Place Winners

Art by Samya

Art my Samya. A woman carrying a jug of water on her head in a drought"Time has halted

Land has faulted,

Shall this not pass.

Treasures have been lost

Feathers have been tossed,

Shall this ever pass.

Hope is the only hope

To let our souls cope,

Soon everything will mend

But shall this ever end." - Samya Singh

"I wrote this poem to justify my artwork. Everyday is full sadness and uncertainty. It feels like a natural force is pushing down on you. It's the emotions like loneliness that you just can’t seem to shade. Surrounded by walls all the time can be very depressing. But this quarantine I focused on the concept of finding good in everything. I realized how lucky I was to have a home to live in, food to eat, internet to communicate and most importantly water to drink. And that's what my art is inspired by. My art is inspired by the people who walk miles everyday to get water for their family. How even during this pandemic they have to risk their lives to go get something as important as water."

Art by Samaria

Art by Samaria. Half the earth is healthy while the other half is drained of its water
"Save water"


Thank you to everyone who submitted art and congratuations to the winners. To learn more about the contest visit the contest site.

A selection of the participating art was showcased on World Water Day 2021 through the social media outlets of SWIGS and the Water Institute. Watch the video below for a selection of submissions to the contest.

Remote video URL