Treaties Recognition Week

Monday, November 2, 2020

Map of Ontario Treaties and agreements. Accessed from the Ontario Government website

Map of Ontario Treaties and agreements. Accessed from the Ontario Government website

Story from UWaterloo's Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Office

2020 will be the first year the University of Waterloo officially participates in Treaties Recognition Week (November 2-6).  To contribute to the broader goals of education, reflection, and action, the Indigenous Initiatives Office is excited to host a series of virtual events and videos throughout this important week. 

These events and engagement opportunities are the start of what we hope will be ongoing learning about where we live and work, and the importance of treaty rights and relationships. 

2020 Treaties Recognition Week is November 2-6

First Nations were the original occupants of this land we now call Ontario. With goals of mutually beneficial advantages, the British Crown (government) and First Nations negotiated and signed treaties. Ontario is covered by 46 treaties and other agreements (see this infographic (PDF) for a quick overview). 

In 2016 Ontario passed legislation proclaiming the first week of November as Treaties Recognition Week. This is part of the Ontario government’s work to rebuild trust and relationships with Treaty partners and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. This includes educating Ontarians about the role Treaties play in our lives and relationships today. The Indigenous Education Office in The Ministry of Colleges and Universities supports post-secondary institutions in recognizing the importance of this week.   

In addition to events throughout the week, we have also compiled a non-exhaustive list of resources related to Treaty Recognition Week. 

Event Name and Description Date/Time How to Participate

Welcome to Treaties Recognition Week 2020

From Feridun Hamdullahpur, President and vice-chancellor

Treaties: A Primer
Folks from the Indigenous Initiatives Office in conversation about what Treaty is, the way it impacts our historical and current relationships, and why it's important today.

Monday, November 2

Stream anytime

Stream welcome message (video, approximately 19 minutes)

"Trick or Treaty?" Historical Perspectives on Treaty Making in Canada

Susan Roy, Associate Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate) 

Professor Susan Roy will discuss Treaties relationship with government, connecting historical context to current issues, challenges and successes

Tuesday, November 3


Microsoft Live Event

Register to receive the link and submit your questions for Professor Susan Roy ahead of time

Treaties from a First Nation Perspective: The Haldimand Tract and Six Nations of the Grand River

An evening lecture with Phil Monture, who is Mohawk from the Six Nations of the Grand River. From 1975 to July 2002, Phil was the Director of the Land Claims Research Office at the Six Nations of the Grand River.

Mr. Monture will discuss Treaties made with the Six Nations of the Grand River and how these impact life within the Six Nations, both historically and today

Wednesday, November 4


Microsoft Live Event

Register to receive the link and submit your questions for Phil Monture ahead of time

Treaties from a First Nation Perspective: Mississaugas of the Credit and Associated Treaties with Chief R. Stacey Laforme 

A lecture with Chief R. Stacey Laforme who is the elected Chief of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN). Born and raised on MCFN, Chief Laforme has served his community for over fifteen years, being first elected to council in 1999.

Chief Laforme will discuss the Treaties that impact the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

Thursday, November 5

Stream at your convenience

Video stream will be available a couple days prior and can be viewed at your convenience

Treaties Recognition Week: Reflections and Takeaways 

Reflections and takeaways from the week with Jean Becker, Senior Director, Indigenous Initiatives and Professor Susan Roy.

November 6


Microsoft Live Event

Register to receive the link and submit any reflections ahead of time

Additional Resources for Treaties Recognition Week