Water Institute faculty members have been appointed to a variety of prestigious chairs.
Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC)
Canada Excellence Research Chairs are awarded to the world’s top researchers to enable leading edge science and technology development in Canada.
CERC Laureate in Ecohydrology
Canada 150 Research Chairs
Canada 150 Research Chairs are recognized top-tier scholars and researchers that enhance Canada's reputation as a global centre for science, research and innovation excellence.
CRC in Mathematical Biology and Medicine
Canada Research Chairs (CRC)
Canada Research Chairs are awarded to the top researchers in Canada.
Industrial Research Chairs (IRC)
Industrial Research Chairs are awarded to senior researchers by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to create mutually beneficial collaborations between universities and private or public sector partners.
Applied Public Health Chairs (APHC)
Applied Public Health Chairs are awarded to mid-career researchers by the Canadian Institute of Health Research and Public Health Agency of Canada to promote collaboration with decision makers to support evidence-informed decision-making that improves health and health equity.
CIHR Applied Public Health Chair in Healthy Environments for Climate Change and Food Security in Northern Canada
University Research Chairs (URC)
University Research Chairs are designated by the University of Waterloo to recognize exceptional achievement and pre-eminence in a particular field of knowledge.