WCMR Open House
Friday, June 28, 2024
12 - 1 p.m.
DC 1301
Join the Director of the Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research, Trevor Charles, along with Associate Directors Narveen Jandu and Valerie Ward, and Administrative Coordinator Brenda Panasiak for a meet and greet, to discuss WCMR activities and opportunities, and network with other members working and/or interested in microbiology.
Graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, research associates, staff, faculty and community partners interested in Microbiology at University of Waterloo are welcome to join.
Lunch will be provided - please RSVP by end of day on Friday, June 21st.
Location Information
Location Address:
DC - William G. Davis Computer Research Centre
200 University Avenue West
Room DC 1301
Waterloo, ON, CA N2L 3G1
200 University Avenue West
Room DC 1301
Waterloo, ON, CA N2L 3G1
Location coordinates:

Location coordinates