Wednesday, October 31, 2018
On October 31, the Autonomoose team hosted a public demo day. During the day, we gave autonomous rides to over 100 participants. For more information about the event, visit Public Autonomoose Demo Day Eventbrite page.
During the demonstration, we showcased static obstacle avoidance, dynamic object detection, localization on the map, and decision making, and left-turn at an all-way-stop intersection with oncoming traffic (the moose had to stop and yield to the oncoming car).
We had some good media coverage, including
- Global News segment, which includes some fragments of the actual demonstration,
- short CTV News segment,
- long CTV News segment (at 22:26), which includes fragments of the actual demonstration,
- a very positive, in-depth article,
- CBC article featuring interview with prof. Czarnecki and prof. Waslander,
- University of Waterloo Engineering News article, featuring an interview with Matthew Pitropov,
- The World News article, a written summary of the Global News segment.