Ataei, M. ., Khajepour, A. ., & Jeon, S. . (2017). Rollover Stabilities of Three-Wheeled Vehicles Including Road Configuration Effects. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: J. Of Automobile Engineering, 231, 859-871.
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Shin, B. ., Jeon, S. ., Ryu, J. ., & Kwon, H.-J. . (2017). Application of compressive sensing to portable ultrasound elastography. IEEE.
Jalalmaab, M. ., Pirani, M. ., Fidan, B. ., & Jeon, S. . (2016). Cooperative least square parameter identification by consensus within the network of autonomous vehicles. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Electronic and Electrical Systems, 9, 255-261.
Jalalmaab, M. ., Pirani, M. ., Fidan, B. ., & Jeon, S. . (2016). Cooperative road condition estimation for an adaptive model predictive collision avoidance control strategy. IEEE.
Wei, N. ., & Jeon, S. . (2016). On the gyroscopic force in mechanical manipulators and its artificial shaping for taskspace movement coordination.
Wei, N. ., & Jeon, S. . (2016). Gyroscopic forces for mechanical manipulators. IEEE.
Yang, S. ., Jeon, S. ., & Choi, J. . (2016). Level-set based greedy algorithm with sequential gaussian process regression for implicit surface estimation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Bae, H. ., Jeon, S. ., & Huissoon, J. P. (2016). Vision and force/torque integration for realtime estimation of fast-moving object under intermittent contacts. Robomech, 3.
Shin, B. ., Jeon, S. ., Lee, J. ., Han, C. S., Im, C. M., & Kwon, H.-J. . (2015). Controlled trigger and image restoration for high speed probe card analysis. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 16, 661-667.
Jalalmaab, M. ., Fidan, B. ., Jeon, S. ., & Falcone, P. . (2015). Model predictive path planning with time-varying safety constraints for highway autonomous driving. IEEE.