Emma Wegener (MSc 2024)
Thesis: Comparing wildfire recovery in a bog and fen
Dr. Percy Korsah (PhD, 2023)
Thesis: Effects of seismic lines on peatland carbon cycling in boreal Alberta, Canada
Samantha Price (Honours BES, 2023)
Thesis: The impact of a new peat harvesting technology on greenhouse gas emissions: A comparison of harvested & unharvested sites
Veronica Santia (Honours BES, 2023)
Thesis: Quantifying litterfall and its carbon and nitrogen content in southern Ontario swamps
Shijia (Scarlett) Zhang (Honours BES, 2023)
Thesis: Methane production in a constructed peatland in the Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
Jennifer Fliesser (MSc 2023)
Thesis: Local controls on tree establishment and growth on peatland seismic lines
Tianshi Wang (MSc, 2022)
Ellie Goud (PDF, 2020-2022)
Projects: Shifts in diversity and function of peatland plant communities following disturbance and restoration
Nian (Claire) Li (Honour BES, 2022)
Thesis: Peatland methane flux variation under light and dark conditions with varying temperature, water table depth and plant productivity
Taylor Vodopija (MSc, 2021; co-supervised with F. Nwaishi)
Thesis: Impacts of seismic line restoration techniques on nutrient biogeochemical processes in a boreal fen
Megan Schmidt (MSc, 2021)
Thesis: Impact of seismic line restoration on CO2, CH4 and biomass
Kimberly Kleinke (MSc, 2021)
Thesis: Effects of restoring peatland seismic lines on soil properties in boreal Alberta, Canada
Scott Davidson (PDF, 2018-2021)
Projects: Wildfire impacts on peatland C cycling, methane emissions in a constructed fen, swamp carbon dynamics
Claire Estey (Honours BSc, 2021)
Thesis: Shifts in plant nutrient content on peatland seismic lines
Ryan Kangro (MSc, 2020)
Thesis: Methane dynamics in a southern Ontario calcareous fen
Emily Prystupa (MSc, 2020, co-supervised with J. Price)
Tianshi Wang (Honours BES, 2020)
Thesis: Assessment of soil respiration in seismic lines with in-line mounding techniques under varying temperature and moisture conditions
Abigail Shingler (Honours BES, 2020)
Thesis: The impact of seismic lines on soil respiration in response to varying temperatures and soil moistures in the Peace River oil sands region
Aneta Bieniada (PhD, 2020)
Dryden Miller (Honours BES, 2019)
Thesis: Spectral analysis of DOC in northern Alberta peatlands: A comparison of a constructed fen and natural sites
Saraswati (PhD, 2019)
Thesis: Impact of resource access road crossings on ecohydrology and carbon dynamics of boreal peatlands
Jorden Fanson (Honours B.Sc., 2019, University of Calgary)
Thesis: Does restoration of horticulture sites restore biomass and net primary production functions in Alberta and New Brunswick peatlands?
Project: Effect of road construction on understory biomass in a boreal bog
Mariah Smith (Honours BES, 2019)
Thesis: Vegetation effects on methane flux in a constructed fen: Six years post-restoration
Kimberly Kleinke (Honours B.Sc., 2019)
Thesis: Assessment of methane fluxes from tree stems in a fen
Matthew Coulas (M.Sc., 2019)
Courtney Butler (Honours BES, 2018)
Thesis: Long-term population trends in two populations of eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) in Cambridge, Ontario.
Anna Kostic (Honours B.Sc., 2018)
Thesis: Impact of linear disturbances on boreal peatland methane exchange
Junzheng Zhang (Honours BES, 2018)
Thesis: Effects of wildfire on boreal peatland methane emissions
Alexandra Engering (M.Sc., 2018)
Sarah Irvine (M.Sc., 2018, co-supervised with J. Price)
Martin Brummell (PDF, 2015-2017)
Project: Nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas exchange in managed peatlands
Michael Wrubleski (Honours B.Sc. 2017; University of Calgary)
Thesis: Do roads built through northern Canadian peatlands impact dissolved organic carbon cycling?
Sabrina Touchette (M.Sc., 2017)
Thesis: Influence of graminoid species identity on carbon exchange in a restored peatland in central Alberta
Catherine Brown (M.Sc., 2017, co-supervised with J. Price)
Thesis: The CO2 dynamics and hydrology of an experimental Sphagnum farming site
Kimberley Murray (M.Sc., 2017)
Thesis: Methane dynamics of a constructed fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta
Hayley Rogers (Honours BES, 2017)
Thesis: Examining the changes in dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality post fire
Michelle Yi (Honours B.Sc., 2017)
Thesis: Analyzing the effects of depth, temperature, plant treatments and water chemistry on methane production in the constructed Nikanotee fen
Lauren Cymbaly (MES, 2016)
Thesis: Controls on plant and soil respiration in a temperate swamp wetland
Natasha Barlow(Honours B.Sc., 2016)
Thesis: Peatland reclamation at a constructed fen in Fort McMurray, Alberta: Analysis of the establishment of vegetation communities
Divya Softa (Honours BES, 2016)
Thesis: Analyzing hydrologic impact of a winter road on a poor treed fen in Peace River, Alberta
Matthew Coulas (Honours B.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: CO2 and CH4 fluxes following inverted well-pad reclamation and revegetation activities in northern Alberta, Canada.
Katherine Lowey (B.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: Controls and effects on CO2 exchange in restored and unrestored peatlands near Seba Beach, Alberta.
Jordan Zukowski (Honours B.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: An analysis of peatland bryophytes: Determining an optimal method for chlorophyll extraction with DMSO and observing the effect of inundation on chlorophyll content.
Tania Garcia Bravo (M.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P plantation on cutover peatland in Alberta (Canada):
Evaluating the effect of fertilization and resulting carbon stocks.
Tariq Munir (PhD, 2015)
Thesis: Peatland biogeochemistry and plant productivity responses to field-based hydrological and temperature simulations of climate change.
Kisa Mwakanyamale (PDF, 2013-2014)
Project: Biogenic gas dynamics in natural and managed peatlands in Alberta.
Bhupesh Khadka (M.Sc., 2014)
Thesis: Dissolved organic carbon dynamics in constructed and natural fens in Athabasca oil sands development region near Fort McMurray, Alberta.
Emily Kaing (B.Sc., 2014)
Project: Effect of warming and water table drawdown on plant biomass in a continental bog.
Kimberley Murray (Honours B.Sc., 2014)
Thesis: Greenhouse gas emissions from peatland donor sites used for restoration.
Heather Yeung (B.Sc., 2014)
Project: Temporal and spatial variations in biogenic gas content in a montane fen.
Golnoush Hassanpour Fard (M.Sc., 2014)
Thesis: Carbon dynamics in extracted minerotrophic peatlands: An analysis of the effect of plant biodiversity.
Melanie Bird (Honours B.Sc., 2013)
Thesis: Effect of plant functional type on peat quality and methane production.
Elena Farries (B.Sc., 2013)
Project: Examining the effect of species richness on ecosystem functioning and biomass production in a restored fen.
Peter Macleod (Honours B.Sc., 2013)
Thesis: Temporal and spatial differences in dissolved organic carbon in northern Alberta peatlands.
Jaime Graham (M.Sc., 2013, co-supervised by P. Dunfield)
Thesis: Effect of drainage on carbon biogeochemistry and microbiological communities in Western Canadian boreal peatlands.
Jordanna Branham (M.Sc., 2012)
Thesis: Spatial variability of soil hydrophysical properties in Canadian Sphagnum dominated peatlands.
Bin Xu (PDF, 2011-2012)
Project: Impact of warming and drying on vegetation community of a boreal Alberta bog.
Yoseph Zuback (M.Sc., 2012)
Thesis: Biogeochemical exchange of carbon after peatland restoration: Carbon dioxide fluxes and dissolved organic carbon export and chemistry.
Magnus Keith (Honours B.Sc., 2012)
Thesis: Greenhouse gas exchange in a restored peatland in Alberta.
Md. Sharif Mahmood (M.Sc., 2011)
Thesis: Carbon dynamics of recolonized cutover minerotrophic peatland: Implications for restoration.
Cameron Robinson (Honours B.Sc., 2011)
Thesis: Greenhouse gas flux from a disturbed fen peatland ecosystem.
Sarbajit Gurung (MGIS, 2010)
Project: Modelling the dispersion of vehicular carbon monoxide pollution along Deerfoot Trail in Calgary, Canada: A CALINE4 approach combined with GIS techniques.
Priyanka Srivastava (B.Sc., 2010)
Thesis: Using visual obstruction measures to estimate biomass and leaf area in a natural and disturbed fen.
Yohannes Bizuneh (MGIS, 2009)
Project: Estimation of organic carbon loss/removal from oil sand development disturbances in north-eastern Alberta.
Jordanna Branham (Honours B.Sc., 2009)
Thesis: Methane flux from spontaneously revegetated patches on an abandoned fen.
Ben Hale (Honours B.Sc., 2009)
Thesis: Spatial variability of subsurface carbon gas stocks in northern peatlands.
Megan Evans (Honours B.Sc., 2008; research project, 2009)
Thesis: Effect of water table drawdown on microbial carbon dioxide production in peatlands: Implications of climate change
Project: Quantifying saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with depth and between microforms in a Sphagnumdominated peatland.
Jaime Graham (Honours B.Sc., 2008)
Thesis: Peatlands as carbon sinks under climate change: Methane production and consumption under water table drawdown.
Jesse O’Brien (Honours BA, 2008)
Thesis: Peatland sedges: silent oxidizers? The effects of water table drawdown and subsequent invasion of sedge species on peatland methane dynamics.
Caitlin Smith (Fulbright scholar, 2008)
Project: Microbial carbon cycling in an ombrotrophic peatland following experimental water table drawdown.
Trent Mierau (Honours B.Sc., 2007)
Thesis: An investigation into the utility of GPR for the assessment of subsurface biogenic gas quantity in peatlands.