Lab alumni

Emma Wegener (MSc 2024)

Thesis: Comparing wildfire recovery in a bog and fen

Dr. Percy Korsah (PhD, 2023)

Thesis: Effects of seismic lines on peatland carbon cycling in boreal Alberta, Canada

Samantha Price (Honours BES, 2023)

Thesis: The impact of a new peat harvesting technology on greenhouse gas emissions: A comparison of harvested & unharvested sites

Veronica Santia (Honours BES, 2023)

Thesis: Quantifying litterfall and its carbon and nitrogen content in southern Ontario swamps

Shijia (Scarlett) Zhang (Honours BES, 2023)

Thesis: Methane production in a constructed peatland in the Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada

Jennifer Fliesser (MSc 2023)

Thesis: Local controls on tree establishment and growth on peatland seismic lines

Tianshi Wang (MSc, 2022)

Thesis: The combined impact of salinity and water table on Juncus balticus growth: Implications for fen construction in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region

Ellie Goud (PDF, 2020-2022)

Projects: Shifts in diversity and function of peatland plant communities following disturbance and restoration

Nian (Claire) Li (Honour BES, 2022)

Thesis: Peatland methane flux variation under light and dark conditions with varying temperature, water table depth and plant productivity

Taylor Vodopija (MSc, 2021; co-supervised with F. Nwaishi)

Thesis: Impacts of seismic line restoration techniques on nutrient biogeochemical processes in a boreal fen

Megan Schmidt (MSc, 2021)

Thesis: Impact of seismic line restoration on CO2, CH4 and biomass

Kimberly Kleinke (MSc, 2021)

Thesis: Effects of restoring peatland seismic lines on soil properties in boreal Alberta, Canada

Scott Davidson (PDF, 2018-2021)

Projects: Wildfire impacts on peatland C cycling, methane emissions in a constructed fen, swamp carbon dynamics

Claire Estey (Honours BSc, 2021)

Thesis: Shifts in plant nutrient content on peatland seismic lines

Ryan Kangro (MSc, 2020)

Thesis: Methane dynamics in a southern Ontario calcareous fen

Emily Prystupa (MSc, 2020, co-supervised with J. Price)

Thesis: Salinity effects on dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality in a constructed fen peatland, Fort McMurray, AB

Tianshi Wang (Honours BES, 2020)

Thesis: Assessment of soil respiration in seismic lines with in-line mounding techniques under varying temperature and moisture conditions

Abigail Shingler (Honours BES, 2020)

Thesis: The impact of seismic lines on soil respiration in response to varying temperatures and soil moistures in the Peace River oil sands region

Aneta Bieniada (PhD, 2020)

Thesis: Methane cycling in horticultural extracted, restored and unrestored peatlands in central Alberta Canada

Dryden Miller (Honours BES, 2019)

Thesis: Spectral analysis of DOC in northern Alberta peatlands: A comparison of a constructed fen and natural sites

Saraswati (PhD, 2019)

Thesis: Impact of resource access road crossings on ecohydrology and carbon dynamics of boreal peatlands

Jorden Fanson (Honours B.Sc., 2019, University of Calgary)

Thesis: Does restoration of horticulture sites restore biomass and net primary production functions in Alberta and New Brunswick peatlands?

Project: Effect of road construction on understory biomass in a boreal bog

Mariah Smith (Honours BES, 2019)

Thesis: Vegetation effects on methane flux in a constructed fen: Six years post-restoration

Kimberly Kleinke (Honours B.Sc., 2019)

Thesis: Assessment of methane fluxes from tree stems in a fen

Matthew Coulas (M.Sc., 2019)

Thesis: Organic matter decomposition at a constructed fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in Alberta, Canada

Courtney Butler (Honours BES, 2018)

Thesis: Long-term population trends in two populations of eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) in Cambridge, Ontario.

Anna Kostic (Honours B.Sc., 2018)

Thesis: Impact of linear disturbances on boreal peatland methane exchange

Junzheng Zhang (Honours BES, 2018)

Thesis: Effects of wildfire on boreal peatland methane emissions

Alexandra Engering (M.Sc., 2018)

Thesis: Carbon gas exchange, primary production and litter decomposition of a restored fen on a former oil well-pad

Sarah Irvine (M.Sc., 2018, co-supervised with J. Price)

Thesis: Dissolved organic carbon production and transport in a constructed watershed in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta

Martin Brummell  (PDF, 2015-2017)

Project: Nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas exchange in managed peatlands

Michael Wrubleski (Honours B.Sc. 2017; University of Calgary)

Thesis: Do roads built through northern Canadian peatlands impact dissolved organic carbon cycling?

Sabrina Touchette (M.Sc., 2017)

Thesis: Influence of graminoid species identity on carbon exchange in a restored peatland in central Alberta

Catherine Brown (M.Sc., 2017, co-supervised with J. Price)

Thesis: The CO2 dynamics and hydrology of an experimental Sphagnum farming site

Kimberley Murray (M.Sc., 2017)

Thesis: Methane dynamics of a constructed fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta

Hayley Rogers (Honours BES, 2017)

Thesis: Examining the changes in dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality post fire

Michelle Yi (Honours B.Sc., 2017)

Thesis: Analyzing the effects of depth, temperature, plant treatments and water chemistry on methane production in the constructed Nikanotee fen

Lauren Cymbaly (MES, 2016)

Thesis: Controls on plant and soil respiration in a temperate swamp wetland

Natasha Barlow(Honours B.Sc., 2016)

Thesis: Peatland reclamation at a constructed fen in Fort McMurray, Alberta: Analysis of the establishment of vegetation communities

Divya Softa (Honours BES, 2016)

Thesis: Analyzing hydrologic impact of a winter road on a poor treed fen in Peace River, Alberta

Matthew Coulas (Honours B.Sc., 2015)

Thesis: CO2 and CH4 fluxes following inverted well-pad reclamation and revegetation activities in northern Alberta, Canada.

Katherine Lowey (B.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: Controls and effects on CO2 exchange in restored and unrestored peatlands near Seba Beach, Alberta.

Jordan Zukowski (Honours B.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: An analysis of peatland bryophytes: Determining an optimal method for chlorophyll extraction with DMSO and observing the effect of inundation on chlorophyll content.

Tania Garcia Bravo (M.Sc., 2015)
Thesis: Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P plantation on cutover peatland in Alberta (Canada):
Evaluating the effect of fertilization and resulting carbon stocks.

Tariq Munir (PhD, 2015)
Thesis: Peatland biogeochemistry and plant productivity responses to field-based hydrological and temperature simulations of climate change.

Kisa Mwakanyamale (PDF, 2013-2014)
Project: Biogenic gas dynamics in natural and managed peatlands in Alberta.

Bhupesh Khadka (M.Sc., 2014)
Thesis: Dissolved organic carbon dynamics in constructed and natural fens in Athabasca oil sands development region near Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Emily Kaing (B.Sc., 2014)
Project: Effect of warming and water table drawdown on plant biomass in a continental bog.

Kimberley Murray (Honours B.Sc., 2014)
Thesis: Greenhouse gas emissions from peatland donor sites used for restoration.

Heather Yeung (B.Sc., 2014)
Project: Temporal and spatial variations in biogenic gas content in a montane fen.

Golnoush Hassanpour Fard (M.Sc., 2014)
Thesis: Carbon dynamics in extracted minerotrophic peatlands: An analysis of the effect of plant biodiversity.

Melanie Bird (Honours B.Sc., 2013)
Thesis: Effect of plant functional type on peat quality and methane production.

Elena Farries (B.Sc., 2013)
Project: Examining the effect of species richness on ecosystem functioning and biomass production in a restored fen.

Peter Macleod (Honours B.Sc., 2013)
Thesis: Temporal and spatial differences in dissolved organic carbon in northern Alberta peatlands.

Jaime Graham (M.Sc., 2013, co-supervised by P. Dunfield)
Thesis: Effect of drainage on carbon biogeochemistry and microbiological communities in Western Canadian boreal peatlands.

Jordanna Branham (M.Sc., 2012)
Thesis: Spatial variability of soil hydrophysical properties in Canadian Sphagnum dominated peatlands.

Bin Xu (PDF, 2011-2012)
Project: Impact of warming and drying on vegetation community of a boreal Alberta bog.

Yoseph Zuback (M.Sc., 2012)
Thesis: Biogeochemical exchange of carbon after peatland restoration: Carbon dioxide fluxes and dissolved organic carbon export and chemistry.

Magnus Keith (Honours B.Sc., 2012)
Thesis: Greenhouse gas exchange in a restored peatland in Alberta.

Md. Sharif Mahmood (M.Sc., 2011)
Thesis: Carbon dynamics of recolonized cutover minerotrophic peatland: Implications for restoration.

Cameron Robinson (Honours B.Sc., 2011)
Thesis: Greenhouse gas flux from a disturbed fen peatland ecosystem.

Sarbajit Gurung (MGIS, 2010)
Project: Modelling the dispersion of vehicular carbon monoxide pollution along Deerfoot Trail in Calgary, Canada: A CALINE4 approach combined with GIS techniques.

Priyanka Srivastava (B.Sc., 2010)
Thesis: Using visual obstruction measures to estimate biomass and leaf area in a natural and disturbed fen.

Yohannes Bizuneh (MGIS, 2009)
Project: Estimation of organic carbon loss/removal from oil sand development disturbances in north-eastern Alberta.

Jordanna Branham (Honours B.Sc., 2009)
Thesis: Methane flux from spontaneously revegetated patches on an abandoned fen.

Ben Hale (Honours B.Sc., 2009)
Thesis: Spatial variability of subsurface carbon gas stocks in northern peatlands.

Megan Evans (Honours B.Sc., 2008; research project, 2009)
Thesis: Effect of water table drawdown on microbial carbon dioxide production in peatlands: Implications of climate change
Project: Quantifying saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with depth and between microforms in a Sphagnumdominated peatland.

Jaime Graham (Honours B.Sc., 2008)
Thesis: Peatlands as carbon sinks under climate change: Methane production and consumption under water table drawdown.

Jesse O’Brien (Honours BA, 2008)
Thesis: Peatland sedges: silent oxidizers? The effects of water table drawdown and subsequent invasion of sedge species on peatland methane dynamics.

Caitlin Smith (Fulbright scholar, 2008)
Project: Microbial carbon cycling in an ombrotrophic peatland following experimental water table drawdown.

Trent Mierau (Honours B.Sc., 2007)
Thesis: An investigation into the utility of GPR for the assessment of subsurface biogenic gas quantity in peatlands.