Interested in joining the Wetland Soil & Greenhouse Gas Exchange Lab?
Graduate student opportunities are available. If you are interested in the links between soils, plants, water and greenhouse gas exchange contact Dr. Strack with a brief (one page) statement of interest, transcripts and resume. Please note that applications for September will be considered at the start of the year, so contact Dr. Strack if you are interested in starting fall 2023.
Specific opportunities include:
M.Sc. positions available:
Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from urban wetlands in southern Ontario
As part of the project: Residential Development Impact Scorecard for the Environment (RISE): An Assessment Tool for Carbon Stock and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Residential Developments, we are seeking a student interested in determining greenhouse gas emissions from urban wetlands. Along with quantifying emissions, the student will link emissions to site characteristics. The project will involve fieldwork across southern Ontario. Background in biogeochemistry, and/or ecohydrology is an asset. Start date is January 2023.
M.Sc. or PhD positions available:
Response of peatland plant community and carbon exchange to fen restoration in Manitoba
As part of a funded NSERC Alliance project, we are seeking a student interested in examining changes and controls in C cycling following wetland restoration. The project will involve fieldwork in Manitoba monitoring greenhouse gas exchange, hydrology, and plant communities. Expertise in soil carbon biogeochemistry, vegetation ecology, and/or hydrology is an asset. Start date is Fall 2023.
Effect of linear disturbance related to in situ oil sands extraction on peatland carbon cycling
As part of a funded NSERC Alliance project, we are seeking a student interested in investigating shifts in wetland plant communities and carbon exchange following road development. The project will involve fieldwork in different wetlands in Alberta focused on plant community composition, productivity, peat accumulation potential and C exchange at local and ecosystem scales. Expertise in plant biology, vegetation ecology, and/or hydrology is an asset. Start date is Fall 2023.
PhD positions available:
Drivers of spatial variation in methane emissions from capped landfills in southern Ontario
As part of the project: Mitigation of Methane Emission Hot Spots from Municipal Landfills, we are seeking a student interested in quantifying methane emissions from Ontario landfills. Once quantified, methane emissions will be linked to environmental conditions such as soil temperature and moisture and plant community composition. The project will involve bi-monthly fieldwork at different sites in Southern Ontario. Expertise in biogeochemistry, vegetation ecology, and/or soil science is an asset. Start date is Fall 2023.
Ecohydrological controls on greenhouse gas exchange in urban wetlands
As part of the project: Residential Development Impact Scorecard for the Environment (RISE): An Assessment Tool for Carbon Stock and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Residential Developments, we are seeking a student interested in investigating the effects of ecohydrological site characteristics on greenhouse gas exchange in different urban wetlands. This project will involve high-resolution temporal sampling across multiple sites. Expertise in biogeochemistry, and/or ecohydrology is an asset. Start date is Fall 2023.
Coastal land-use history, soil carbon stocks and greenhouse gas exchange
In collaboration with the SSHRC funded Environments of Change partnership project, we are seeking a student eligible for the Faculty of Environment Dean's Doctoral Initiative to work with medieval historians to investigate how wetland drainage near Herstmonceux Castle impacted soil carbon cycling and methane emissions. Expertise in soil carbon biogeochemistry, palaeoecology and/or vegetation ecology is an asset.
Undergraduate students
Dr. Strack hires undergraduate students as summer research assistants to work in the lab and field. She also supervises undergraduate thesis projects. Contact Dr. Strack for specific opportunities. Summer positions for 2023 and project opportunities for 2022-2023 are available.