Taylor Vodopija

Taylor Vodopija
Name: Taylor Vodopija

Twitter: @Taylor Vodopija

Past experience: I graduated from Mount Royal University with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science. I did two four-month work terms with RemedX Reclamation Services, where I worked as a Junior Environmental Technologist. I worked on detailed site assessments, phase II reports, groundwater sampling program, supervising reclamation work, waste management facility operations, safety and other field reports, spill response sampling, and hydrogeological investigations.

Project title: Nutrient cycling on restored peatland seismic lines

Project summary: My current research is focused on peatland restoration of linear disturbances. The main objective of the project is to evaluate the most cost-effective way to resort two legacy seismic lines in Brazeau County Alberta. More specifically, I will be analyzing the nutrients-cycling in different groundwork methods on the site.