Ecohydrology Research Group Members Co-Author Paper in Nature Scientific Reports
December 2021
A paper coauthored by Ecohydrology Research Group members Eunji Byun, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Linden Fairbairn, Steph Slowinski, and Philippe Van Cappellen was published in Nature Scientific Reports on December 1st! The study examines the effect of temperature, moisture, and freeze-thaw regimes on CO2 production from northern peatland soils. The authors analyzed the impact of these parameters on CO2 production using laboratory incubation and kinetic modelling.
You can read more about the study here.
Study co-authored by ERG researcher featured in WaterResearch
A study co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad was recently featured in WaterResearch, a communication that summarizes high impact scientific articles published by researchers of the Water Institute. The paper, titled “Winter CO2 losses shift the Arctic to a carbon source under current and future climates,” was originally published in Nature Climate Change. The major finding of the study was that respiration during the non-growing season (NGS) represents a substantial component of the Arctic’s carbon balance, and that warming during the NGS has increased CO2 losses, shifting the Arctic to a carbon source rather than a sink. To read the summary in WaterResearch, click here.
To access the original publication, click here.
AGU Fall Meeting 2019
December 2019
Fereidoun and Konrad, along with several Ecohydrology group members, attended the AGU Fall 2019 meeting this past December. Fereidoun cochaired "Ecology of the Cryosphere: Biological and Environmental Interactions in Seasonally and Permanently Cold Ecosystems," which included researchers presenting topics ranging from carbon uptake and loss in northern temperate ecosystems to exploring benthic microbial communities in ice-covered Antarctic lakes as analogues for life on early Earth! Both Fereidoun and Konrad presented posters as part of this session.

New paper on winter carbon losses co-authored by ERG researcher published in Nature Climate Change
November 2019
Ecohydrology group researcher Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad has co-authored a new paper on winter CO2 losses from northern permafrost regions which was published today in Nature Climate Change. The study, supported by NASA ABoVE and in collaboration with over 50 institutions and the Permafrost Carbon Network, demonstrated that winter soil CO2 loss will increase 41% by 2100 with warming temperatures under a business-as-usual emissions scenario. The authors also warn that increases in CO2 loss under winter warming may outweigh any enhanced uptake of carbon during the growing season. This study provides new insights into permafrost winter carbon budgets which will be useful for improving global models and informing climate policies.
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad awarded highly competitive NSERC funding on winter carbon losses in wetland ecosystems
Dr. Fereidoun Rezanezhad is leading one of nine projects to have awarded funding under the highly competitive “Advancing Climate Change Science in Canada” initiative. Find out more about the project and award here.
Call for Abstracts: 2019 AGU: Impacts of winter climate change on hydrobiogeochemical dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic systems during the winter and shoulder seasons
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to our upcoming session at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting (9-13 December 2019,San Francisco, CA) titled "Impacts of winter climate change on hydrobiogeochemical dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic systems during the winter and shoulder seasons”
Conveners: Alexandra Contosta (University of New Hampshire Main Campus), Elizabeth Burakowski (University of New Hampshire Main Campus), Fereidoun Rezanezhad (University of Waterloo), Patrick Sorensen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
We encourage you to submit an abstract to this session. Remember that the deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, 31 July at 23:59 EDT. Complete submission guidelines can be found on the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting Website
We would greatly appreciate if you forward this notice to interested colleagues and students.
We are looking forward to meeting you in San Francisco in December.
Alexandra Contosta, Elizabeth Burakowski, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Patrick Sorensen
2019 Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting
May 2019

Grant and Konrad attended the 2019 Global Water Futures Annual Science Meeting in Saskatoon. Both presented posters covering their research and discussed their projects with other attendees.
Water Institute Story
January 2019
The Water Institute published a piece about our project. Check it out here!
rare Site Feature
April 2019
The rare site posted an article about the Winter Soils Processes project here.
How will changing winter conditions affect Canadian agriculture best practices?
September 2018
Grant and Konrad started an experiment investigating the efficacy of pre-winter fertilizer applications under freeze-thaw conditions. Here are some photos of them collecting soil from the rare site and the experiment setup!