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Student collaborators (at the time of research project completion) are in italics. Please do not distribute articles without permission. Copyrights belong to the respective publishers. 

in press | 2024| 202320222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 20102008

In press

Rudnev, M.*, Barrett, H.C., Buckwalter, W., Machery, E., Stich, S., Barr, K., Bencherifa, A., Clancy, R.F., Crone, D.L., Deguchi, Y., Fabiano, E., Fodeman, A.D., Guennoun, B., Halamová, J., Hashimoto, T., Homan, J., Kanovský, M., Karasawa, K., Kim, H.,... Grossmann, I.* Dimensions of wisdom perception across twelve countries on five continents. Nature Communications.


Grossmann, I. & Eibach, R. R. (2024) Meta-judgement: Meta-theories and beliefs about good judgment across societies. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 

Grossmann, I., Peetz, J., Dorfman, A., Rotella, A., & Buehler, R. (2024) The wise mind balances the abstract and the concrete. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science. [link]

Stavropoulos, A., Crone, D., & Grossmann, I. (2024) Shadows of wisdom: Classifying meta-cognitive and morally-grounded narrative content via Large Language Models. Behaviour Research Methods. [link]

Kachhiyapatel, N. & Grossmann, I. (2024). Responsiveness in context: Unpacking the causal model of the wisdom-responsiveness link. Possibility Studies & Society. [link]

Elnakouri, A., Huynh, A. C., & Grossmann, I. (2024). Explaining contentious political issues promotes open-minded thinking. Cognition. [link]

Amarasuriya, S., Salanga, M. G., Llorin, C., Morales, M. H., Jayawickreme, E., & Grossmann, I. (2024). Deconstructing wisdom through a cultural lens: Folk understandings of wisdom and its ontology in the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Transcultural Psychiatry. [link]

Grossmann, I.,Bergmeir, C., Slattery, P. (2024). How well can social scientist forecast societal change? Foresight: The international Journal of Applied Forecasting, 72, 40-46. 

Grossmann, I., Varnum, M. E. W., Hutcherson, C., & Mandel, D. R. (2024). When expert predictions fail. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [link]


Abedin, E., Ferreira, M., Reitmann, R., Cheong, M., Grossmann, I., & Alfano, M. (2023). Exploring intellectual humility through the lens of artificial intelligence: Top terms, features and a predictive model. Acta Psychologica, 238.

Britton, E.M., Laurin, K., Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., & Scholer, A. A. The dynamics of self-control conflicts in daily life in predicting self-control success and perceived self-regulatory effectiveness. Collabra,(9)1.

Grossmann, I. (2023). Transparency and Inclusion in Psychological Inquiry: Reflecting on the Past, Embracing the Present, and Building an Inclusive Future. Psychological Inquiry, 33(4), 233–238. [link]

Grossmann, I., Feinberg, M. Parker, D.C., Christakis, N., Tetlock, P.E. & Cunningham, W.A. (2023). AI and the transformation of social science research. Science, 380, 1108-1109. [link]

Hutcherson, C., Sharpinskyi, C., Varnum, M. E. W., Rotella, A. M., Wormley, A., Tay, L., & Grossmann, I. (2023). On the accuracy, media representation, and public perception of psychological scientists’ judgments of societal change. American Psychologist, 78(8):968-981 (16.36) [link]

Weidmann, R., Chopik, W. J., Ackerman, R. A., Allroggen, M., Bianchi, E. C., Brecheen, C., Campbell, W. K., Gerlach, T. M., Geukes, K., Grijalva, E., Grossmann, I.... & Back M. (2023). Age differences in narcissism: A comprehensive study across eight measures and over 250,000 participants. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(6), 1277-1298.

Grossmann, I. Meyers, E., & Eibach, R. E. (2023). The wisdom in the story: Clarifying assumptions about radical uncertainty and reasonableness in narrative judgment. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e96. doi:10.1017/S0140525X22002746 [commentary][link]

The Forecasting Collaborative, Grossmann, I.*, Rotella, A. M., Hutcherson, C., Sharpinskyi, C., Varnum, M. E. W., PhD, Achter, S., ... Wilkening, T. (2023). Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change. Nature Human Behaviour, 7, 484 - 501. doi: 10.1038/s41562-022-01517-1 [link]


Bialek, M. & Grossmann, I. (2022). Social bias insights concern judgments rather than real-world decisions. Behavioural and Brain Sciences.45, e68. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X21000728 [commentary] [link]

Dorfman, A., Moscovitch, D. A., Chopik, W. J., & Grossmann, I. (2022). None the wiser: How adversity type and self-distancing impact change in wisdom following adversity. European Journal of Personality, 26(4), 559-575.[link]

Dorfman, A., Moscovitch, D. & Grossmann, I. (2022). Pathways from adversity to wisdom. In F. J. Infurna & E. Jayawickreme (Eds.), Redesigning Research on Post-Traumatic Growth. (pp. 259- 279). New York: Oxford University Press. 

Grossmann, I. (2022). Transparency and Inclusion in Psychological Inquiry: Reflecting on the Past, Embracing the Present, and Building an Inclusive Future. Psychological Inquiry. [link]

Grossmann, I., Twardus, O., Varnum, M. E. W., Jayawickreme, E., & McLevey, J. (2022). Expert predictions of societal change: Insights from the World after COVID project. American Psychologist. 77(2), 276–290. [link]

Pick. C., Ko, A., Kenrick, D. Wiezel, A., Wormley, A., E., Awad, E., [...] Grossmann, I. [...] & Varnum, M. E. W. (2022). Fundamental social motives measured across forty-two cultures in two waves. Scientific Data. [link]

Pick, C. M., Ko, A., Wormley, A. S., Wiezel, A., Kenrick, D. T., Al-Shawaf, L., [...] Grossmann, I. [...] & Varnum, M. E. W. (2022). Family still matters: Human social motivation across 42 countries during a global pandemic. Evolution and Human Behavior, 43(6), 527 - 535. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.09.003 [link]

Porter, T., Elnakouri, A., Meyers, E. A., Shibayama, T., Jayawickreme, E. & Grossmann, I.* (2022). Predictors and Consequences of Intellectual Humility. Nature Reviews Psychology,1, 524 – 536. doi: 10.1038/s44159-022-00081-9 [link]


Choi, E., Farb, N. A., Pogrebtsova, E., Gruman, J., & Grossmann, I.* (2021). What do people mean
when they talk about mindfulness? Clinical Psychology Review. [link]

Dorfman, A., Moscovitch, D. & Grossmann, I. (2021). Pathways from adversity to wisdom. In F. J. Infurna & E. Jayawickreme (Eds.), Redesigning Research on Post-Traumatic Growth. (pp. 259-279). New York: Oxford University Press. [link]

Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., Santos, H. C., Grossmann, I. (2021) Self-distancing promotes positive emotional change after adversity: Evidence from a micro-longitudinal field experiment. Journal of Personality. 2021; 89: 132144. [link]

Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., Santos, H. C., Vohs, K. D., & Scholer, A. A. (2021). Training for wisdom: The distanced self-reflection diary method. Psychological Science. [link]

Grossmann, I., Eibach, R. P. (2021). Reasonable bounds on rationality. Mind & Society, 20(1), 59-67.[link]

Jayawickreme, E., Infurna, F. J., Alajak, K., Blackie, L., Chopik, W. J., Chung, J. M., Dorfman, A., Fleeson, W., Forgeard, M., Frazier, P., Furr, R. M., Grossmann, I., Heller, A. S., Laceulle, O. M., Lucas, R. E., Luhmann, M., Luong, G., Meijer, L., McLean, K. C., Park, C. L., … Zonneveld, R. (2021). Post-traumatic growth as positive personality change: Challenges, opportunities, and recommendations. Journal of Personality, 89(1), 145–165. [link]

Kara-Yakoubian, M., Rotella, A., Dorfman, A., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Wisdom. In V. P. Glăveanu (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible (pp. 1–8). Springer International Publishing. [link] 

Kolahchi, Z., De Domenico, M., Uddin, L. Q., Cauda, V., Grossmann, I., Lacasa, L., Grancini, G., Mahmoudi, M., and Rezaei, N. (2021). COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact. In N. Rezaei (Ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Vol. 1318, pp. 825–837).

Rotella, A. M., Varnum, M. E. W., Sng, O., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Increasing population densities predict decreasing fertility rates over time: A 174-nation investigation. American Psychologist, 76, 933-946. [link]

Santos, H. C. & Grossmann, I. (2021). Cross-temporal exploration of the relationship between wisdom-related cognitive broadening and subjective well-being: Evidence from a cross-validated national longitudinal study. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 506-516. [link]

Turpin, M. H., Walker, A. C., Fugelsang, J. A., Sorokowski, P., Grossmann, I. & Bialek, M. (2021). The search for predictable moral partners: Predictability and moral (character) preferences. Journal of Experimental Social Personality. [link

Varnum, M.E.W., Krems, J.A., Morris, C., Wormley, A., Grossmann, I. (2021) Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? a time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music. PLoS ONE, 16(1): e0244576. [link]

Varnum, M. E. W., & Grossmann, I. (2021). The Psychology of Cultural Change. AmericanPsychologist [link]


Grossmann, I., Eibach, R. P., Koyama, J., & Sahi, Q. (2020). A dual folk standard framework for sound judgment: Rationality vs. Reasonableness. Science Advances, 6(2), eaaz0289doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz0289 [link]

Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., & Oakes, H. (2020). Wisdom is a social-ecological rather than person-centric phenomenon. Current Opinion in Psychology, 20, 66-71. doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2019.07.010 [link]

Huynh, A., & Grossmann, I. (2020, September 26). Rising ethnic diversity in the United States accompanies shifts toward an individualistic culture. Social Psychological and Personality Science. [link]

Grossmann, I., Weststrate, N. M., Ardelt, M., Brienza, J. P., Dong, M., Ferrari, M., Fournier, M. A., Hu, C. S., Nusbaum, H. C. & Vervaeke, J. (2020). Wisdom science in a polarized world: Knowns and unknowns. Psychological Inquiry, 31(2), 103-133.doi: 10.1080/1047840X.2020.1750917 [target article] [link]

Grossmann, I., Weststrate, N. M., Ferrari, M., & Brienza, J. P. (2020). A common model is essential for a cumulative science of wisdom. Psychological Inquiry, 31(2),185-194. doi: 10.1080/1047840X.2020.1750920 [response to commentaries] [link]

Huynh, A. C. & Grossmann, I. (2020). A pathway to wisdom-focused education. Journal of Moral Education, 49, 9-29. doi: 10.1080/03057240.2018.1496903[link]

Ko, A., Pick, C., Kwon, J. Y., Barlev, M., Krems, J. A., Varnum, M. E. W., Neel, R., Peysha, M., Boonyasiriwat, W., Brandstätter, E., Vasquez, J. E. C., Galindo, O., Pereira de Felipe, R., Crispim, A. C., Fetvadjiev, V. H., Fischer, R., Karl, J., David, D., Galdi, S., Gomez-Jacinto, L., Grossmann, I. ... & Kenrick, D. T. (2020). Family matters: Rethinking the psychology of human social motivation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 173-201. doi: 10.1177/1745691619872986 [link]

Kung, F. Y. H. & Grossmann, I. (2020). Wisdom across cultures. In O. Braddick (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10. 1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.586[link] 

Na, J.*, Grossmann, I.*, Varnum, M. E.W., Karasawa, M., Cho, Y., Kitayama, S., & Nisbett, R. E. (2019). Culture and personality revisited: Behavioral profiles and within-person stability in interdependent (vs. independent) social orientation and holistic (vs. analytic) cognitive style. Journal of Personality, 88(5), 908-924. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12536[link*corresponding authors

Peetz, J. &Grossmann, I.(2020). Wise reasoning about the future is associated with adaptive interpersonal feelings after relational challenges.Social Psychological and Personality Science. doi: 10.1177/1948550620931985 [link]

Prentice, L., Klackl, J., Agroskin, D., Grossmann, I., Alexandrov, Y., Apanovich, V., Bezdenezhnykh, B., & Jonas, E. (2020). Reaction to norm transgressions and Islamization threat in culturally tight and loose contexts: A case study of Germany vs. Russia. Culture & Brain, 8, 46–69. doi: 10.1007/s40167-018-0073-3 [link]


Dorfman, A. & Grossmann, I. (2019). Social incentives. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford, Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1834-1 [link]

Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., Santos, H. C.& Grossmann, I. (2019). Self‐distancing promotes positive emotional change after adversity: Evidence from a micro‐longitudinal field experiment. Journal of Personality. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12534 [link]

Ferrari, M., Grossmann, I., Grimm, S., & Staffel, J. (2019). A Process Model of Wisdom from Adversity. The Journal of Value Inquiry, 5, 471-473. doi: 10.1007/s10790-019-09711-7 [link]

Grossmann, I. & Dorfman, A. (2019). Wisdom in an uncertain world. In R. Sternberg, H. Nusbaum, & J. Glück (Eds.). Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems (pp. 51-79). London: Palgrave-Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-20287-3_3 [link]

Grossmann, I., Oakes, H. & Santos, H. C.(2019). Wise reasoning benefits from emodiversity, irrespective of emotional intensity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(5), 805-823. doi: 10.1037/xge0000543[link]

Huh, M., Grossmann, I., & Friedman, O. (2019). Children show reduced trust in confident advisors who are partially-informed. Cognitive Development, 50, 49-55. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2019.02.003  [link]

Santos, H. C., Varnum, M. E.W. & Grossmann, I. (2019). Culture, cognition and cultural change in social class.In W. H. Brekhus & G. Ingatow (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology (pp. 1-19). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190273385.013.15 [link]

Varnum, M. E. W. & Grossmann, I. (2019). The wealth -> life history -> innovation of the industrial revolution is largely inconsistent with empirical data. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, e212. [commentary] [link]


Brienza, J. P., Kung, F., Santos, H. C., Bobocel, D. R, & Grossmann, I. (2018). Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(6), 1093-1126. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000171 [link]

De Freitas, J., Cicara, M., Grossmann, I.&Schegel, R. (2018). Moral goodness is the essence of personal identity. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22(9), 739-740. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2018.05.006[link]

De Freitas, J., Sarkissian, H., Newman, G. E., Grossmann, I., De Brigard, F, Luco, A., & Knobe, J. (2018). Consistent Belief in a Good True Self in Misanthropes and Three Interdependent Cultures. Cognitive Science, 42, 134-160. [link]

Elnakouri, A., McGregor, I., & Grossmann, I. (2018). Dying for the group: Towards a general theory of extreme self-sacrifice. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e201doi: 10.1017/S0140525X18001723 [commentary] [link]

Grossmann, I. (2018). Dialecticism across the lifespan. In J. Spencer-Rogers & K. Peng (Eds.), The Psychological and Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognition: Contradiction, Change, and Holism (pp. 135-180). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780199348541.003.0005 [link]

Grossmann, I.  & Brienza, J. P. (2018). The strengths of wisdom provide unique contribution to improved leadership, sustainability, inequality, Gross National Happiness, and civic discourse in the face of contemporary world problems. Journal of Intelligence, 6(22).  doi: 10.3390/jintelligence6020022[link]

Grossmann, I., & Kung, F. Y. H. (2018). Wisdom and culture. In S. Kitayama & D. Cohen (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Psychology (2nd Edition) (pp. 343-364). New York: Guilford Press. [link]

Grossmann, I., Kung, F. Y. H., & Santos, H. C. (2018). Wisdom as state vs. trait. In R. Sternberg & J. Glück (Eds.). Handbook of Wisdom (pp. 249-273). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [link]

Grossmann, I. & Jowhari, N. (2018). Cognition and the self: Attempt of an independent close replication of the effects of self-construal priming on spatial memory recall. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 74, 65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2017.08.005[link]

Grossmann, I., & Ross, L. (2018). Attributions. In M. H. Bornstein, M.E. Arterberry, K. L. Fingerman, & J.E. Lansford (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development (pp. 189-191). Thousand Oakes: Sage. doi: 10.4135/9781506307633.n74 [link]

Huynh, A.C., Oakes, H., Grossmann, I.  (2018). The role of culture in understanding and evaluating emotional intelligence. In K. V. Keefer, J. D. Parker, & D. H. Saklofske (Eds.). Handbook of Emotional Intelligence in Education (pp. 111-132). New York: Springer. [link]

Leckelt, M., Wetzel, E., Gerlach, T. M., Ackerman, R. A., Miller, J. D., Chopik, W. J., Penke, L., Geukes, K., Kuefner, A. C.P., Hutteman, R., Richter, D., Renner, K., Allroggen, M., Brecheen, C., Campbell, W. K., Grossmann, I.,& Back, M. D. (2018). Validation of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire short scale (NARQ-S) in convenience and representative samples. Psychological Assessment, 30(1), 86-96. doi: 10.1037/pas0000433

Oakes, H., Brienza, J. P., Elnakouri, A., & Grossmann, I. (2018). Wise reasoning: Converging evidence for the psychology of sound judgment. In R. Sternberg & J. Glück (Eds.). Handbook of Wisdom (pp. 202-225). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [link]


Brienza, J. P. & Grossmann, I. (2017). Social class and wise reasoning about interpersonal conflicts across regions, persons and situations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284 (1869). [link]

De Freitas, J., Cicara , M., Grossmann, I.&Schegel, R. (2017). Origins of the belief in Good True Selves. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [link]

Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom in context. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(2), 233–257. [docx]

Grossmann, I., Brienza, J. P. & Bobocel, D. R. (2017). Wise deliberation sustains cooperation. Nature Human Behaviour, 1(0061). [docx]

Grossmann, I.&Ellsworth, P.C. (2017). What are mixed emotions and what conditions foster them? Life-span experiences, culture and social awareness. Current Opinion in Behavioral Science, 15, 1-5. [docx]

Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom and how to cultivate it: Review of emerging evidence for a constructivist model of wise thinking. European Psychologist, 22(4), 233–246. doi: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000302. [link]

Grossmann, I. &Varnum, M. E.W. (2017). Divergent life histories and other ecological adaptations: Examples of social class differences in attention, cognition, and attunement to others. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. [commentary]  doi: 10.1017/S0140525X17000991, e329

Huynh, A. C. & Grossmann, I. (2017). Middle-class ideologies: Norms and historical changes. In R. Rycroft (Ed.), The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press. [link]

Kimel, S. Y., Grossmann, I., & Kitayama, S. (2017). Corrigendum to “When gift-giving produces dissonance: Effects of subliminal affiliation priming on choices for one's self versus close others”[Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012) 1221–1224]. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Santos, H. C., Huynh, A, C., & Grossmann, I. (2017). Wisdom in a complex world: A situated account of wise reasoning and its development. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. doi: 10.1111/spc3.12341 [link]

Santos, H. C., Huynh, A, C., & Grossmann, I. (2017). Teaching & Learning Guide for: Wisdom in a complex world: A situated account of wise reasoning and its development. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. doi: 10.1111/spc3.12343

Santos, H. C., Varnum, M. E. W., Grossmann, I. (2017). Global increases in individualism. Psychological Science. [link]

Varnum, M. E. W. & Grossmann, I. (2017). Cultural change: The how and the why. Perspectives on Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/1745691617699971 [docx]

Varnum, M. E. W. &Grossmann, I. (2017). Socio-ecological factors are linked to changes in prevalence of contempt over time. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, 40-41 [commentary] doi: 10.1017/S0140525X16000881, e250


Grossmann, I., Gerlach, T.M., & Denissen, J.J.A. (2016). Wise reasoning in the face of everyday life challenges. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(7), 611–622[pdf]

Grossmann, I., Huynh, A.C., & Ellsworth, P. C. (2016). Emotional complexity: Clarifying definitions and cultural correlates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(6), 895-916. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000084  [pdf]

Grossmann, I., Sahdra, B. & Ciarocci, J. (2016). A heart and a mind: Self-distancing facilitates the association between heart rate variability, and wise reasoning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10(68). [html]

Grossmann, I. & Santos, H. C. (2016). Individualistic cultures. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford, Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_2024-1 [link]

Grossmann, I. (2016). Wisdom and heart rate. European Heart Journal, 37(44), 3315. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw479

Huynh, A. C., Yang, D. Y. & Grossmann, I. (2016). The value of prospective reasoning for close relationships. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7 (8), 893-902. doi: 10.1177/1948550616660591

Kung, F., Eibach, R., & Grossmann, I. (2016). Culture, fixed-world beliefs, relationships and perceptions of identity change. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(7), 631-639. doi: 10.1177/1948550616652208

Varnum, M. E. W. &Grossmann, I. (2016). Pathogen prevalence is associated with cultural changes in gender equality. Nature Human Behavior, 1(0006).doi:10.1038/s41562-016-0003


​​Ford, B. Q., Dmitrieva, J. O., Heller, D., Chentsova-Dutton, Y., Grossmann, I., Tamir, M., Uchida, Y., Koopmann-Holm, B., Uhrig, M., Floerke, V., Bokhan, T., & Mauss, I. B. (2015). Culture shapes whether the pursuit of happiness predicts higher or lower well-being. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(6), 1053-1062. [pdf]

Grossmann, I. & Varnum, M. E. W. (2015). Social structure, infectious diseases, disasters, secularism, and cultural change in America. Psychological Science, 26(3), 311-324. [pdf]

Hughes, J.Grossmann, I. & Cohen, A. B. (2015). Tolerating the “doubting Thomas”: How centrality of religious beliefs versus practices influences prejudice against atheists. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1352). [link]

Klein, N.,Grossmann, I., Uskul, A., Kraus, A., & Epley, N. (2015). It pays to be nice, but not really nice: Asymmetric reputations from prosociality across 7 countries. Judgment and Decision Making, 10(4), 355-364. [pdf]


Grossmann, I., Karasawa, M., Kan, C. & Kitayama, S. (2014). A cultural perspective on emotional experiences across the lifespan. Emotion, 14(4), 679-692. [pdf]

Grossmann, I. & Kross, E. (2014). Exploring “Solomon’s paradox”: Self-distancing eliminates the self-other asymmetry in wise reasoning about close relations in younger and older adults. Psychological Science, 25(8), 1571-1580. [pdf]

Grossmann, I., & Na, J. (2014). Research in culture and psychology: past lessons and future challenges. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science5(1), 1-14. [pdf]

Ross, M., Grossmann, I. & Schryer, E. (2014). Contrary to psychological and popular opinion, there is no compelling evidence that older adults are disproportionately victimized by consumer fraud. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(4), 427-442. [pdf]


Grossmann, I., Na, J., Varnum, M. E. W., Kitayama, S., & Nisbett, R. E. (2013). A route to well-being: Intelligence vs. wise reasoning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(3), 944-953[pdf]

Grossmann. I., & Huynh, A. C. (2013). Where is the culture in social class? Psychological Inquiry, 24 (2), 112-119. [pdf]


Grossmann, I., Karasawa, M., Izumi, S., Na, J., Varnum, M. E. W., Kitayama, S., & Nisbett, R. E. (2012). Aging and wisdom: Culture matters. Psychological Science, 23(10), 1059-1066. [pdf]

Kimel, S.Y., Grossmann, I., & Kitayama, S. (2012). When gift-giving produces dissonance: Effects of subliminal affiliation priming on choices for one's self versus close others. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(5), 1221-1224. [pdf]

Kross, E. & Grossmann, I. (2012). Boosting wisdom: Distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes and behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(1), 43-48. [pdf]

Grossmann, I., Ellsworth, P.C., Hong, Y-y. (2012). Culture, attention, and emotion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(1), 31-36. [pdf]


Grossmann, I. & Varnum, M.E.W. (2011). Culture, social class, and cognition. Social Psychological and Personality Science2(1), 81-89. [pdf]


Grossmann, I. & Kross, E. (2010). The impact of culture on adaptive vs. maladaptive self reflection. Psychological Science21(8), 1150-1157. [pdf]

Grossmann, I., Na, J., Varnum, M. E.W., Park, D. C., Kitayama, S. & Nisbett, R.E. (2010). Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(16), 7246-7250[pdf]

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