
The International Research Symposium (IRS) is an international conference organized by the World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE), where leaders in industry, government and academia, as well as experts in work-integrated education gather from around the world to present research and case studies, exchange information and know-how, and build human networks.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 12:00 am - 12:00 am EST (GMT -05:00)

Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering 2020

The Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering provides a high-level forum where the world of science and technology meet on African soil to unveil breakthroughs in science, respond to existing challenges and look to the future. Work-Learn Institute director Judene Pretti will be joining virtually on December 9, 2020 to contribute to this year's theme surrounding digital economy, innovation and youth employment.

Visit Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering 2020 to register today.