Students’ perceived relevance of job advertisement
Designed by a previous co-op student, this study explored how students perceived the relevance of a co-op role by reading a job description.
Designed by a previous co-op student, this study explored how students perceived the relevance of a co-op role by reading a job description.
Two previous co-op students designed a study to explore the emotional well-being of engineering co-op students during their first recruitment term to develop a better understanding of what aspects of the co-op process are particularly stressful for students.
To examine how co-op programs can create value for students and employers, this study examined whether work-integrated learning (WIL) job seekers are more attracted to jobs that signal a student-oriented opportunity than to those that do not.
Relevant work experiences are central to the success of work-integrated learning (WIL) programs. This study explores students' previous experiences to identify the "building blocks" of relevant WIL work experiences.
The Waterloo Region Future of Work & Learning Coalition was established in 2019 with the goal of promoting community and cross-sectoral collaboration to solve common challenges and work towards future proofing our community.
Decolonization and Indigenization are increasingly important topics in post-secondary education. This paper evaluates an international Indigenous work-integrated learning (WIL) exchange between University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada and three Australian Universities.
A growing number of students from international pathways (SFIP) are coming to study at Canadian post-secondary institutions. These students often participate in work-integrated learning programs. In this study, the researchers explored perceptions held by employers regarding the hiring of these students.
This research examines the ways interns might contribute to the advancement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals on their work terms.
This paper explores the role of microcredentials as a formal recognition of a skill or competency (e.g., a certificate).
In many parts of the world, including Canada, there are calls for an increase in the number of work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities for post-secondary students.