A writer's pen is a muscle: take it to the gym
I was not an athletic child. Never one to break out a ball on the playground, never one to try out for teams or clubs.
I was not an athletic child. Never one to break out a ball on the playground, never one to try out for teams or clubs.
Over the past few years, I have a turned into a monster. What kind of monster you may ask? A monster that starts books and doesn’t end up finishing them.
*distant horrified gasps*
Oh yes, a bookworm’s worst nightmare!
It’s December! You know what that means right? The holiday season is right around the corner. From Hanukah to Kwanzaa December is a time for family get-togethers and lots of food. So in the spirit of the holiday season, I decided to look up holiday-themed books (and by holiday-themed, I mean books that have a certain holiday as a key part of the plot) and was very disappointed with what I found. Holiday-themed books appear to be synonymous with Christmas books.
Books are hard to get rid of because like a vacation or lecture, at some point they either took us on a journey or taught us something. As a result many people end up with a collection of books that they haven’t touched in years. If you do decide to renew your library here are a couple of ideas on how to transform your books into new things or how to pass them on to someone else.
For most of my life, I've been resistant to reading classic novels.
Source: giphy.com
International Women’s Day will be celebrated this week on Thursday, March 8th.
International Women’s Day is coming up on March 8th and the University of Waterloo’s Women Centre will be celebrating International Women’s Week starting March 5th. On Monday the 5th, read Kate’s blog post about books that feature compelling female protagonists!
Seeking out reliable book recommendations is the strategy that has most transformed my reading habits in recent years.
In a past blog post, I discussed how valuable it can be to adopt a recreational reading habit as a student.