Isoflex (Nanotechnology Engineering)

Isoflex UWaterloo Capstone Team

March 13th, 2023

As part of our FYDP/Capstone 2023 spotlights, we’re excited to introduce “Isoflex.” from the Nanotechnology Engineering team: Jacob Chausse, Andrew Harabin, Nick Levinski and Guillaume Fernandes! 

Explain your project in one sentence

Isoflex is a flexible force sensor that combines capacitance and electrical percolation-based elements made using novel nanomaterials to enable multidirectional strain sensitivity and simplified signal collection. 

What has been the best part of your project so far? 

The best part of the project was making our initial prototypes and obtaining a readable signal after weeks of testing, failure, and optimization. These positive results immensely boosted our confidence in our unique design and ability to produce a working prototype. 

What are the biggest challenges you've faced during the project? 

There were several challenges but the biggest was the synthesis of the sensor's active sensing material: Carbon Nanotube and Polydimethylsiloxane composite. The synthesis processes outlined in scientific literature were unique and often contradictory, making it difficult to uncover the optimal procedure. We were able to overcome this critical challenge by iterating through many synthesis variables until optimal composite electromechanical properties were achieved. 

How does your project improve human lives and/ or our planet's health? 

Versatile and high performance flexible tactile sensors like Isoflex have the potential to improve human lives by empowering rehabilitative care devices, wearables, and soft robots with tactile sensing capabilities resembling that of human touch. Smart devices empowered by tactile sensors are more spatially “aware” and are therefore more apt to understand and react to a dynamic environment. Ultimately, the goal of flexible tactile sensors is to confer proprioceptive abilities to robotic systems of all kinds, which will allow them to perform more sophisticated tasks for the betterment of human quality of life.

What's next for your team members (ie: working full-time, looking for a job, starting a business, etc). 

After the term ends, Jacob will be pursuing an MSc in Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, specializing in Simulations of Nano-Scale Systems. Nick will be pursuing an MASc in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Waterloo, specializing in Soft Robotics Therapy Devices. Guillaume will be pursuing an MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, specializing in Nanoelectronic Devices and Materials. Andrew will be working full-time as a Project Manager, pursuing a career in the Renewable Energy Industry.