Orientation held for new faculty members

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First-year students weren’t the only ones attending orientation sessions last week — new engineering faculty members were also officially welcomed to Waterloo Engineering. On September 8 new professors were greeted by Adel Sedra, dean of engineering, and listened to presentations made by four associate deans of engineering.

The addition of 17 professors in the past year helps support Waterloo Engineering’s commitment to teaching and research excellence. The new faculty members include Nasser Abukhdeir and Luis Ricardez-Sandoval of chemical engineering; Dipanjan Basu and Sheree Ann Pagsuyoin of civil and environmental engineering; Siddharth Garg, Irene Goldthorpe, Stephen Smith, Chris Backhouse and Peter Levine of electrical and computer engineering; Fatih Erenay, Vanessa Bohns, Lukasz Golab, Hossein Abouee Mehrizi and Osman Ozaltin of management sciences; Andrew Brzezinski of mechanical and mechatronics engineering; and Alexander Wong and Bryan Tripp of systems design engineering.