Revivify (M.I.N.D Group)

Revify UWaterloo Capstone Team

March 8th, 2023

As part of our FYDP/Capstone 2023 spotlights, we’re excited to introduce M.I.N.D. Group from Architectural Engineering: Dixon Leung, Nico Gomes, Ivy Mei and Mapendo Ngilinga de Carvalho with their project “Revivify”!

Explain your project in one sentence 

Revivify is an immediate temporary housing solution on newly reclaimed land to counteract the soil settlements as a hinderance to the local housing crisis in Hong Kong. 

What has been the best part of your project so far? 

We loved the cohesiveness of our unique solution on such an impactful problem which resulted in a very purposeful project.

What are the biggest challenges you've faced during the project? 

Environmental factors in our site such as soil settlements, climate responses and natural disasters presented conflicting considerations during the design and engineering process.

How does your project improve human lives and/ or our planet's health? 

Hong Kong’s housing crisis is a consequential threat to local citizens as the lack of housing supply results in poor housing conditions and homelessness. The local government’s land reclamation project originated from an impactful vision to solve the housing crisis, but the lengthy soil settlement period significantly delays the benefits of the project. Revivify presents a viable solution that can directly address the soil settlement period and provide immediate housing supply.

What's next for your team members (ie: working full-time, looking for a job, starting a business, etc). 

We will be joining various firms in Architecture, Structural Engineering, and Residential Developments. We are excited to dive deep into the industry and see what Architectural Engineers are capable of!