Delumeau, L.-V. ., Asgarimoghaddam, H. ., T, A. ., Jones, A. ., Mistry, K. ., Aucoin, M. ., DeWitte-Orr, S. ., & Musselman, K. . (2021). Effectiveness of Metal and Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Coatings in Decreasing the Infectious Potential of Human Coronavirus 229E. APL Material, 9.
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Quattrociocchi, M. ., Boegel, S. J., & Aucoin, M. G. (2021). Enhanced characterization of yeast hydrolysate combining acid digestion and 1D-1H NMR targeted profiling. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99.
Havaei, S. ., Aucoin, M. ., & Jahanian-Najafabadi, A. . (2021). Pseudomonas Exotoxin based immunotoxins: over three decades of efforts on targeting cancer cells with the toxin. Frontiers in Oncology: Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, 11.
Lall, D. ., Miscevic, D. ., Bruder, M. R., Westbrook, A. ., Aucoin, M. ., Moo-Young, M. ., & Chou, C. . (2021). Strain engineering and bioprocessing strategies for biobased production of porphobilinogen in Escherichia coli. Bioresource and Bioprocessing, 8.
Moussa, H. I., Chan, W. Y., Logan, M. ., Aucoin, M. G., & Tsui, T. Y. (2020). Limitation in Controlling the Morphology of Mammalian Vero Cells Induced by Cell Division on Asymmetric Tungsten-Silicon Oxide Nanocomposite. Materials, 13, 335.
Ganobis, C. M., Al-Abdul-Wahid, S. ., Renwick, S. ., Yen, S. ., Carriero, C. ., Aucoin, M. G., & Allen-Vercoe, E. . (2020). 1D 1H NMR as a Tool for Fecal Metabolomics. Current Protocols in Chemical Biology, 12, e83.
Wulff, D. ., Chan, A. ., Liu, Q. ., Gu, F. X., & Aucoin, M. G. (2020). Characterizing internal cavity modulation of corn starch microcapsules. Heliyon, 6, e05294.
Walji, S.-D. ., & Aucoin, M. G. (2020). A critical evaluation of current protocols for self-sterilizing surfaces designed to reduce viral nosocomial infections. American Journal of Infection Control.
Wulff, D. ., Aucoin, M. G., & Gu, F. X. (2020). Helium Ion Microscopy of Corn Starch. Starch-Stärke, 72, 1900267. (Original work published 2020)
Logan, M. ., Manalil, J. ., Notte, C. ., Kearse, C. ., George, S. ., Zeiser, A. ., Farrell, P. ., & Aucoin, M. G. (2019). A flow cytometric granularity assay for the quantification of infectious virus. Vaccine, 37, 7090-7099.