Consider joining a team of wonderful student leaders. Every year, a multitude of volunteer opportunities are available to students through various community involvement and student life activities on and off campus. These functions are in constant need of volunteers to aid in the success of each venture.
The Arts Student Union (ASU) is an organization that bridges the gap between students and the University of Waterloo administration. Our goal is to improve the academic and social lives of students on campus. Each year our dedicated team of volunteers works to plan events, workshops and sit in on administrative meetings to try and make our goal come to fruition. There are a number of ways in which students may become involved with the ASU, and we are always looking for volunteers!
Executive positions
All executive positions are obtained through an election, with the exception of the first year representatives. These positions require rigorous time commitment due to all of the various administrative and social tasks to be completed in an academic year. Executive positions include: president, vice president internal, vice president academic, vice president social, vice president of communications, vice president of finance and vice president of retail and first year representatives.

First year representatives gain their position through an application process. All interested candidates apply with a resume online and selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. The applications appear on leads.uwaterloo.ca in September of each year. After all interviews have been completed, four first year representatives will be selected.
Some of the administrative meetings executives take part in are Arts Endowment Fund Board, Arts Faculty Council, Arts Faculty Council Executive, Undergraduate Affairs Group, Co-op Council, Federation of Students (Feds) Student Life Endowment Fund Board, Mayor's Student City Council.
Alongside the regular meetings an executive will take part in they will be able to address issues the students deem important and head their own projects which they believe will benefit the student community. For more specific details on any executive position, do not hesitate to contact the current ASU executive team!
Individuals interested in helping executives with specific projects throughout the year may approach executives to express an interest in doing so. Commissioners normally work on a one-on-one basis with an executive, or as part of a smaller team geared towards the duties and projects an executive has for the term.
Commissioners may also work on their own projects that fall within a respective executive’s domain. Time commitment required is more than the minimum a regular volunteer holds.
Tuck Shop Volunteers

Open to all active students who would like to get involved and learn more about the ASU. Some responsibilities include holding office hours, event staff, advertising and much more. This is a light-work and great way for students to socialize, become familiar with the faculty and network with other students from various programs. Volunteers are asked to hold one office hour a week; anything more is up to the volunteer’s discretion. Volunteers may attend certain meetings, but it is not required of them.
If interested in this position, please visit leads.uwaterloo.ca and apply under the "Arts Student Union" section.
Event Planning Committee
Each year the vice president social puts together a team of dedicated students to help organize social events. Members of the Event Planning Committee (EPC) may also work on their own projects in conjunction with the current VP Social’s own projects.
Students interested in being part of this committee will need to approach the current vice president social and express interest. The time commitment requirement is more than a regular volunteer holds.
Arts societies
Within the ASU, there are various Arts societies. Almost every arts major and minor has its own society, each running their own unique events. Joining one of these societies is a great way to get involved with the arts and to meet people in your program!
For more information please contact us!
Please note: Executives reserve the right to dismiss a commissioner or event planning committee member, should s/he not prove to be professional (i.e. not completing projects they said they would, missing meetings, being late, etc.) in the workplace.
The Arts Student Union is an organization that needs to maintain its professionalism in the eyes of both administration and students. Therefore in positions that require more responsibility, there is an increase in the expected level of professionalism from all volunteers.