Student Consultation Group request form

Thank you for your interest in holding a student consultation group. We aim to accommodate requests in our calendar based on a first-come, first-served basis. When requesting this service, please provide a minimum of 30 days notice. 

We look forward to working with you!

Information and privacy: questions regarding the collection of information on this form can be directed to the form administrator.

1 Start 2 Complete

Who is requesting the session(s)

Are there campus partners or other stakeholders that should be consulted?

What topic are you seeking student feedback on?

What do you want to learn?
What are you goals for this student consultation?
Do you already have a list of questions you'd like to ask the participants? We are happy to work with you to create questions that will guide the consultation.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods xml.

Who are you looking for feedback from?

Type of student participants
Indicate which students you would like to receive feedback from. 
Would you like participants to be students from a specific faculty or faculties?
Would you like to participants to be students from a specific department or school within the faculty?
Are you hoping to hold more than one session?

When should the session(s) be held? 

We find the first three weeks are term is the best time for our students schedules and that is generally reflected in registration numbers. If this doesn't fit your timeline, we are happy to try to accomodate other dates but note that we cannot guarantee student registration.

When is the findings report required?

Note that because multiple student consultation groups may be happening around the same time as yours, we require up to 10 business days from your session(s) to prepare and submit the findings report. 

Report deadline