Punicei
Asters
Symphyotrichum
subsect.
Symphyotrichum
includes
species
of
x=8
asters
native
to
eastern
North
America.
These
asters
usually
have
phyllaries
that
often
are
spreading
to
reflexed
and
have
a
somewhat
foliaceus
(leafy)
apex.
The
leaves
also
usually
more
or
less
clasp
the
stem.
Although
often
grouped
with
the
Foliacei
Asters,
data
indicate
the
two
groups
are
not
sister
to
each
other
within
subg.
Symphyotrichum.
Symphyotrichum
puniceum
is
known
to
hybridize
with
species
in
subsect.
Heterophylli
and
subsect.
Dumosi,
possibly
indicating
a
relationship
with
these
eastern
North
American
groups.
Symphotrichum
novi-belgii
and
cultivar
derivatives
are
naturalized
in
Europe
and
available
at
nurseries
in
North
America;
S.
novi-belgii
includes
the
nomenclatural
type
of
the
genus.
Illustrations
Novi-belgii
Complex
(Mid
to
higher
level
polyploids)
Puniceum
Complex
(diploids
and
lower
level
polyploids)
Last
updated
May
by
J.C.
Semple
©
J.C.
Semple,
including
all
photographs
unless
otherwise
indicated