
Original welding processes using the combination of a hot‐wire system and laser heat source are developed in Hiroshima University. These processes have advantages of low heat input, low dilution, high controllability of weld metal and HAZ properties, highefficiency, and so on. Some applications of hot‐wire laser welding process for a narrowgap joint, fillet welded joint, heavy‐thick vertical joint will be introduced. The observation techniques using image sensors for temperature cycle, solidification phenomena during welding will also be introduced.

Dr. Jan P. Huissoon, Chair, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering and Dr. Adrian Gerlich, NSERC/TransCanada Industrial Research Chair in Welding for Energy Infrastructure invite you to attend the 2015 TransCanada Day at the University of Waterloo to discover the latest advances in technology for fabrication and testing of pipeline welds.

The Canadian Welding Association, Toronto Chapter, invites you to the 21st Annual Mike Cherry Memorial Golf Tournament. Mark your calendar for this unique event and enjoy the shinning sun, beautiful greens, valuable prizes, excellent food and this significant networking opportunity.