Assistant Professor
Contact Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 33339
Office: E5-3048
Biographical Information
2000: BASc (Welding Specialization) – University of Waterloo
2001: MASc – University of Waterloo, 2001
2014: PhD – McMaster University, 2014
Research Interests
· Metallurgical Transformations During Welding
· Post-weld Properties
· Improving Weld Process Robustness (increasing Manufacturability)
· Effect Of Microstructure And Mechanical Property Hetrogenity On Weld Performance
· Physical Simulation Of The Welding Process
· Weld Defect Formation
· Welding Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS)
· Dissimilar Material Welding
- H. Ghassemi-Armaki, E. Biro, S. Sadagopan,, Advanced Characterization of HAZ Softening of AHSS for Crash Modeling, ISIJ International, 57(8), 2017, 1451 - 1460
- D.C. Saha, E. Biro, A.P. Gerlich, N.Y. Zhou, Effects of tempering mode on the structural changes of martensite, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 673, 2016, 467 - 475
- D.C. Saha, E. Biro, A.P. Gerlich, N.Y. Zhou, Fusion zone microstructure evolution of fiber laser welded press-hardened steels, Scripta Metallurgica, 121, 2016, 18 - 22
- OL Ighodaro, E Biro, YN Zhou, Comparative effects of Al-Si and galvannealed coatings on the properties of resistance spot welded hot stamping steel joints, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 236, 2016, 64 - 72
- E. Biro, J.R. McDermid, S. Vignier, Y.N. Zhou, Decoupling of the softening processes during rapid tempering of a martensitic steel, Material Science and Engineering A, 615, 2014, 395 - 404
- E. Biro, S. Vignier, C. Kaczynski, J. McDermid, E. Lucas, J.D. Embury, Y. Zhou, Predicting Transient Softening in the Sub-Critical Heat-Affected Zone of Dual-Phase and Martensitic Steel Welds, ISIJ International, 53(1), 2013, 110 - 118