Assistant Professor
Contact Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: 519-888-4567 x.37536
Office: E5-3016
Biographical Information
2021- present, Assistant Professor, MME, University of Waterloo
2015-2021, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Beihang University
2014-2015, PDF, CAMJ/MME, University of Waterloo
2014, PhD, Mechanical Engineering- Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo
2010, MASc, Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
2007, BASc, Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
Research Interests
- laser processing
- micro/nano joining
- brazing
- materials property
- devices
Selected/ Recent Publications
- Liao, Jianing, Wei Guo, and Peng Peng. Direct laser writing of copper-graphene composites for flexible electronics, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 142, 106605 (2021)
- Wan, Zhandong and Guo, Wei and Jia, Qiang and Chen, Guoxing and Chi, Jiaxuan and Zhang, Hongqiang and Wu, Shuhui and Peng, Chong and Peng, Peng, Effects of laser shock peening on microstructure and mechanical properties of TIG welded Alloy 600 joints, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 808, 140914 (2021)
- Zhou, Xingwen and Guo, Wei and Yao, Yu and Peng, Ran and Peng, Peng, Flexible Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensing with One-Step Laser Fabricated Cu2O/Cu Porous Structure, Advanced Engineering Materials, (2021)
- Chi, Jiaxuan and Cai, Zhongyi and Zhang, Hepeng and Zhang, Hongqiang and Guo, Wei and Wan, Zhandong and Han, Guofeng and Peng, Peng and Zeng, Zhi, Combining manufacturing of titanium alloy through direct energy deposition and laser shock peening processes, Materials & Design, 203, 109626 (2021)
- Shen, Daozhi and Duley, Walter W and Peng, Peng and Xiao, Ming and Feng, Jiayun and Liu, Lei and Zou, Guisheng and Zhou, Y Norman, Moisture-Enabled Electricity Generation: From Physics and Materials to Self-Powered Applications, Advanced Materials, 32(52), 2003722 (2020)
- Zhou, Xingwen and Guo, Wei and Zhu, Ying and Peng, Peng, The laser writing of highly conductive and anti-oxidative copper structures in liquid, Nanoscale, 12(2), 563 – 571 (2020)
- Zhou, Xingwen and Huang, Yongde and Chen, Yuhua and Li, Shuhan and Guo, Wei and Peng, Peng, Brazing of Ni-based single crystal superalloy with high carbon content γ layer, Applied Surface Science, 514, 145936 (2020)
- Wang, Ning and Liu, Yangai and Guo, Wei and Jin, Chao and Mei, Lefu and Peng, Peng, Low-temperature sintering of silver patterns on polyimide substrate printed with particle-free ink, Nanotechnology, 31(30), 305301 (2020)
- Peng, Peng and Sun, Hao and Gerlich, Adrian P and Guo, Wei and Zhu, Ying and Liu, Lei and Zou, Guisheng and Singh, Chandra Veer and Zhou, Norman, Near-ideal compressive strength of nanoporous silver composed of nanowires, Acta Materialia, 173, 163 – 173 (2019)
- Guo, Wei and Zhang, Hongqiang and Ma, Kaituo and Zhu, Yin and Zhang, Hua and Qi, Bojin and Li, Fei and Peng, Peng, Reactive brazing of silicon nitride to Invar alloy using Ni foam and AgCuTi intermediate layers, Ceramics International, 45(11), 13979 – 13987 (2019)