Dileep Ramachandran

Postdoctoral Fellow

Contact Information        

Dileep photo

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

Phone: +1 (548) 333 2579

Office: E3-3101
Email: dcramachandran@uwaterloo.ca

Biographical Information

2024: PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Center for Advanced Materials Joining, Department of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

2019: Master of Science (MS) in Welding Engineering, Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Dong-Eui University, Busan, Rep. of Korea.

2016: Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India.

Research Interests

  • Resistance Spot Welding

  • Advanced High Strength Steels

  • Post-Welded Properties

  • Material Characterizations

Thesis Supervisor(s)

  • Professor Elliot Biro


  1. D.C. Ramachandran, O.T. Betiku, M. Shojaee, A. Salandari-Rabori, A.R.H. Midawi, J.U. Kim, R. Bakhtiari, A. Macwan, E. Biro, Effect of paint baking on the fusion boundary softening and fracture behavior of Q&P 980 steel resistance spot welds, Mater. Charact. 206 (2023) 113383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2023.113383.

  2. D.C. Ramachandran, A. Salandari-Rabori, A.R.H. Midawi, A. Macwan, E. Biro, Effect of Paint Baking Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Resistance Spot Welded Q&P 980 Steel, ISIJ Int. 64 (2024) 1178–1184. https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.isijint-2023-483.

  3. Ramachandran D. C., Figueredo B., Sherepenko O., Jin W., Park Y. D, Biro E., A study on improving the mechanical performance by controlling the halo ring in the Q&P 980 steel resistance spot welds, J. Manuf. Process. 75 (2022) 320–330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.01.019

  4. Ramachandran D. C., Midawi A.R.H., Shojaee M., Sherepenko O., Armaki H. G., Biro E., A comprehensive evaluation of tempering kinetics on 3rd generation advanced high strength steels, MTLA. 26 (2022) 101644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2022.101644

  5. Figueredo, B., Ramachandran, D. C., Macwan A., & Biro, E. (2021). Failure Behavior and Mechanical Properties in the Resistance Spot Welding of Quenched and Partitioned (Q&P) Steels. Welding in the World. Here

  6. Ramachandran, D. C., Moon, J., Lee, C. H., Kim, S. D., Chung, J. H., Biro, E., & Park, Y. D. (2020). Role of Bainitic Microstructures with MA Constituent on the Toughness of an HSLA Steel for Seismic Resistant Structural Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 140390. Here
  7. Ramachandran, D. C., Kim, S. D., Moon, J., Lee, C. H., Chung, J. H., Biro, E., & Park, Y. D. (2020). Classification of martensite-austenite constituents according to its internal morphology in high-strength low alloy steel. Materials Letters278, 128422. Here
  8. Ramachandran, D.C., Murugan, S.P., Moon, J. et al. The Effect of the Hyperstoichiometric Ti/N Ratio Due to Excessive Ti on the Toughness of N-Controlled Novel Fire- and Seismic-Resistant Steels. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 3514–3527 (2019). Here
  1. Ramachandran, D.C., Murugan, S.P., Kim, Y. et al. Effect of Microstructural Constituents on Fusion Zone Corrosion Properties of GMA Welded AA 5083 with Novel Al–Mg Welding Wires of High Mg Contents. Metals and Materials International (2019). Here

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