Visiting Scholar
Contact Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: 5175998659
Office: E3-3110A
Biographical Information
2006, Ph.D. in Dalian University of Technology
2001, BSc in Shenyang University of Technology
Research Interests
- Laser-arc hybrid welding
- Mg or Al alloy welding
- Al alloy hybrid forming by welding and rolling
- Dissimilar metal joining and welding
Thesis Supervisor(s)
- Professor Y. Norman Zhou
- Taotao Li, Gang Song*, Peini Yu, Liming Liu. Interfacial microstructure evolution in fusion welding of immiscible Mg/Fe system. Mater.Design, 2019, 181(11): 107903
- Liming Liu, Chenghui Hu, Shibao Yu, Gang Song*. A triple-wire indirect arc welding method with high melting efficiency of base metal. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 44: 252-260.
- Liming Liu, Shibao Yu, Gang Song*,Chenghui Hu. Analysis of stability and weld forming of high-speed TW-GIA welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 46: 67-76.
- Gang Song, Taotao Li, Jiayu Chi, Liming Liu*. Bonding of immiscible Mg/steel by butt fusion welding. Scripta Materialia, 2018, 157: 10-14.
- GangSong , Taoao Li *, Jingwei Yu , Liming Liu . A Review of Bonding Immiscible Mg/Steel Dissimilar Metals. Materials,2018, 11: 2515.
- Gang Song, Taotao Li*, Liang Chen. Interface bonding mechanism of immiscible Mg/steel by butt fusion welding with filler wire. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 736: 306-315.
- GangSong , Jingwei Yu , Taoao Li , Jifeng Wang , Liming Liu*. Effect of laser-GTAW hybrid welding heat input on the performance of Mg/Steel butt joint. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 31: 131-138.
- Gang Song, Zhuo Diao, Xinze Lv, Liming Liu*. TIG and laser–TIG hybrid filler wire welding of casting and wrought dissimilar magnesium alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 34: 204-214.
- Jipeng Shi ,Gang Song*, Hongyang Wang ,Liming Liu. Study on weld formation and its mechanism in laser-TIG hybrid welding with filler wire of a titanium alloy. Journal of Laser Applications, 2018, 30: 032004.