Contact Information
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Office: E3 - 3172
Biographical Information
2020: Ph.D. Chemistry (Nanotechnology) Organic Materials Synthesis, University of Waterloo in collaboration with the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan.
2016: MSc. Chemistry, Organosulfur synthesis, University of Guelph
2014: BSc. H., Nanoscience, University of Guelph
Research Interests
- Antipathogenic nanomaterial and polymer formulations
- Small molecule and nanoparticle synthesis
Project Supervisor(s)
- Professor Norman Zhou
Selected Publications
Snowdon, M. R., Li, S., Ishihara, S., Nurdiwijayanto, L., Tanaguchi, T., Tsukagoshi, K., Schipper, D. J., and Tang, D. M. (2021) Field-Effect Transistors of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Assembled by the Alignment Relay Technique. [Under review]
Snowdon, M. R., Wang, S., Schipper, D. J. (2021) Carboxylic Acids as an Anchoring Component for the Alignment Relay Technique of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Aluminum Oxide, New Journal of Chemistry. [Accepted]
Snowdon, M. R., Liang, R. (2020) Chapter 16: Electrospun Filtration Membranes for Environmental Remediation in Nanomaterials for Air Remediation. Amrane, A., Assadi, A. A., Nguyen-Tri, P., Nguyen, T. A., and Rtimi, S. (Eds.) pp 309-341. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.
Snowdon, M. R. Selmani, S., Schipper, D. J. (2019) Sonication-Enhanced Alignment Relay Technique for the Orientation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2: 6637-6645.