
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo
Department of Chemical Sciences
Department of Chemical Sciences
University of Catania (Italy)
Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania
Contact Information
Phone: (519)-888-4567, ext. 35625
Office: E3-3110
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Biographical Information
Fall 2014 to August 2018 PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering (Nanotechnology) Program
November 2012 to June 30, 2013: joined University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) as a visiting student
November 2010 to October 31, 2013: PhD in Chemical Sciences (University of Catania)
October 2008 to July 2010: Master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry (University of Catania)
October 2004 to April 2008: Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry (University of Catania)
Research Projects
Femtosecond laser induced nanojoining: fundamentals and application
Project supervisor(s)
- Professor Y. Norman Zhou
- Professor Anming Hu
Research Interests
- Synthesis and characterization of carbon based nanomaterials (graphene, graphene oxide, graphene quantum dots)
- Femtosecond laser ablation for synthesis and nanojoining of nanomaterials
Selected Publications
- S. Scalese, V. Scuderi, S. Bagiante, S. Fabiano, P. Russo, L. D’Urso, G. Compagnini, V. Privitera, “Controlled synthesis of carbon nanotubes and linear carbon chains by arc discharge in liquid”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 014304 (2010)
- L. D’Urso, G. Forte, P. Russo, C. Caccamo, G. Compagnini, O. Puglisi, “Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering study on 1D-2D graphene-based structures”, Carbon, 49, 10 (2011), 3149-3157
- G. Compagnini, M. Sinatra, P. Russo, G. Messina, O. Puglisi, S. Scalese, “Deposition of fewlayer graphene nanowalls at the electrodes during electric field-assisted laser ablation of carbon in water”, Carbon, 50, 6, (2012), 2362-2365
- G. Compagnini, P. Russo, F. Tomarchio, O. Puglisi, L. D’Urso, S. Scalese, “Green and large scale laser synthesis of free standing reduced graphene oxides at the water-air interface”, Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 505601.
- P. Russo, G. Compagnini, C. Musumeci, B. Pignataro, “Raman monitoring of strain induced effects in mechanically deposited single layer graphene”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (2012) 8755-8758.
- G.Compagnini, P. Russo, F.Tomarchio, O. Puglisi, L. D'Urso, S. Scalese; "Laser assisted green synthesis of free standing reduced graphene oxides at the water/air interface", Nanotechnology, 23, (2012), 505601 (6pp).
- P. Russo, A. Hu, G. Compagnini, "Synthesis, properties and potential applications of porous graphene: a review", Nano-Micro Lett. 5(4), 260-273 (2013).
- P. Russo, A. Hu, G. Compagnini, W.W. Duley, N.Y. Zhou, "Femtosecond laser ablation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite: green route for large-scale production of porous graphene and graphene quantum dots", Nanoscale, 6, 2381, (2014), DOI:10.1039/c3nr05572h
- S.F. Spanò, G. Isgrò, P. Russo, M.E. Fragalà, G. Compagnini, "Tunable Properties of Graphene Oxide Reduced by Laser Irradiation", Applied Physics A, 10.1007/s00339-014-8508-y (2014)
- P. Russo, L. D'Urso, A. Hu, N. Zhou, G. Compagnini, "In liquid laser treated graphene oxide for dye removal", Applied Surface Science, (2014) doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.12.014
Thesis Supervisor(s)
- Professor N.Y. Zhou
Additional Information/Other Interests
I am a responsible and very motivated person. I have a strong passion for research work. I have good communication skills and good ability to adapt in a multicultural environment and excellent capacity for teamwork. Furthemore I possess good organizational skills acquired during my studying and working experiences at the University. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, doing sports as swimming, tennis and fitboxe.