Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact Information

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 35583
Office: E2-3369
Biographical Information
2019: Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
2014: M.E., Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
2011: B. Tech., Civil Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India.
Research Interests
- Metal Fatigue
- Fracture Mechanics
- Reliability Analysis
Thesis Supervisor(s)
- Professor Scott Walbridge
- Ranjan, R., de Oliveira Miranda, A. C., Guo, S. H., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A. (2019). Fatigue analysis of friction stir welded butt joints under bending and tension load. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 206, 34-45.
- Guo, S., Shah, L., Ranjan, R., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A. (2019). Effect of quality control parameter variations on the fatigue performance of aluminum friction stir welded joints. International Journal of Fatigue, 118, 150-161.
- Ranjan, R., Ghahremani, K., Walbridge, S., & Ince, A. (2016). Testing and fracture mechanics analysis of strength effects on the fatigue behavior of HFMI-treated welds. Welding in the World, 60(5), 987-999.
- Ranjan, R., Walbridge, S. (2017). Crack shape effects on the fatigue behaviour of HFMI treated welds under variable amplitude loading conditions. International Conference on Shot Peening (ICSP-13), Doc ID: 2017126,
- Ghahremani, K., Ranjan, R., Walbridge, S., & Ince, A. (2015). Fatigue strength improvement of aluminum and high strength steel welded structures using high-frequency mechanical impact treatment. Procedia Engineering, 133, 465-476.