Visiting Scholar
Contact Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 35625
Office: E3-3110
Biographical Information
2007-now, Faculty in Beijing Institute of Technology
2007, Ph.D. in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2004, MASc in Shandong Normal University
Research Interests
- Femtosecond laser micro/nanofabrication
- Nanojoining
- Micro sensors
Thesis Supervisor(s)
- Professor Y. Norman Zhou
- Professor Lan Jiang
- Dong N.N., Wang S.M.*, Jiang L., Jiang Y., Wang P., & Zhang L., Pressure and Temperature Sensor Based on Graphene Diaphragm and Fiber Bragg Gratings. IEEE Photonics Technology Lettrs, 30(5):431-434, 2018.
- Cao Z.T, Jiang L.*, Wang S.M., Wang M., Liu L., Yang F., & Lu, Y.F., Influence of electron dynamics on the enhancement of double-pulse femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of fused silica, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 141, 63-69, 2018.
- Yang B., Jiang L.*, Wang S.M., Wang P., Yang F., & Lu Y.F., Quantitative detection of oxygen in reduced graphene oxide by femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Applied optics, 57(5), 1267-1272, 2018.
- Yang F., Jiang L., Wang S.M.*, Cao Z.T., Liu L., Wang M.M., & Lu Y.F., Emission enhancement of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy by combining nanoparticle and dual-pulse on crystal SiO2. Optics & Laser Technology, 93, 194-200, 2017.
- Lv L.Y, Wang S.M.*, Jiang L., Zhang F., Cao Z.T., Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature by two peanut tapers with embedded fiber Bragg grating. Applied optics, 54(36), 10678-10683, 2015.
- Cao Z.T., Jiang L., Wang S.M.*, Wang P., Zhang F., & Lu Y.F., A trench-embedding fiber taper sensor fabricated by a femtosecond laser for gas refractive index sensing, Applied Optics, 53(6), 1028-1032, 2014.
- Li B.Y., Jiang L.*, Wang S.M., Chen Q.H., Wang M.M., Yang J.P., A new Mach-Zehnder interferometer in a thinned-cladding fiber fabricated by electric arc for high sensitivity refractive index sensing, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(6), 829-832, 2012
- Jiang L.*, Yang J.P., Wang S.M., Li B.Y., Wang M.M., Fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on microcavities for high-temperature sensing with high sensitivity, Optics Letters, 36(19), 3753-3755, 2011.
- Jiang L.*, Zhao L.J., Wang S.M., Yang J.P. and Xiao H., Femtosecond laser fabricated all-optical fiber sensors with ultrahigh refractive index sensitivity: modeling and experiment, Optics Express, 19(18), 17591-17598, 2011.