Vojtech Kucera

PhD Visitor

Contact Information               

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

Phone: (519) 888-4567, x33326

Office: E3 3110A
Email: vojtech.kucera@uwaterloo.ca

Biographical Information

9/2010 – 06/2016

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

Master's Degree in Chemistry of Materials and Materials Engineering

09/2014 – 01/2015

Université catholique de Louvain, Place de l'Université, Belgium

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Research Interests

  • Resistance Spot Welding

  • Press Hardening Steel

  • Liquid metal embrittlement

Thesis Supervisor(s)

  • Professor Norman Zhou


Kučera, V.; Čapek, J.; Michalcová, A.; Vojtěch, D. Preparation and characterization of niti shape memory alloy prepared by powder metallurgy.Manufacturing Technology 2014, 14 (3), 342–347

Kucera, V.; Prusa, F.; Vojtech, D., Aluminium alloys with transition metals prepared by powder metallurgy. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2017, 179 (1), 012043.

Kučera, V.; Průša, F.; Vojtěch, D. Al-Fe Chips Processed by High-Energy Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering. Solid State Phenomena 2017, 270, 197–204.

Kučera, V.; Vojtěch, D. Influence of the heat treatment on corrosion behaviour and mechanical properties of the AA 7075 alloy. Manufacturing Technology 2017, 17 (5), 747–752.

Kučera, V.; Petr-Soini, J.; Vojtěch, D. Phase composition and microstructure of Zn coated press hardening steels for direct hot stamping. Manufacturing Technology 2018, 18 (5), 758–763.

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