Contact Information

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 36963
Office: E3-3134A
Biographical Information
2012: Ph.D. in Material Processing Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
2008: MASc in Material Processing Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
2006: BASc in Material Processing and Control Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
Research Interests
- Laser Welding
- Laser arc hybrid Welding
- Advanced steel materials
- Aluminum matrix composite
- Micro/Nano joining
- Professor Y. Norman Zhou
1. X-N. Wang*, X-M. Chen, Q. Sun, et al., Formation mechanism of δ-ferrite and metallurgy reaction in molten pool during press-hardened steel laser welding, Materials Letters, 2017, 206C, 143-145.
2. X.-N. Wang*, Q. Sun, Z. Zheng, et al., Microstructure and fracture behavior of laser welded joints of DP steels with different heat inputs, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 699: 18-25.
3. X-N. Wang, S-H. Zhang, J. Zhou, et al., Effect of heat input on microstructure and properties of hybrid fiber laser-arc weld joints of the 800 MPa hot-rolled Nb-Ti-Mo microalloyed steels. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 91: 86-96.
4. Q. Sun, H.-S. Di, X.-N. Wang*, et al., A study on microstructure and properties of PHS fiber laser welded joints obtained in air atmospheres, Materials, 2018, 11, 1135-1147.
5. X.-N. Wang, C.-J. Chen , H.-S. Wang, et al., Microstructure Formation and Precipitation in Laser welding of Microalloyed C-Mn Steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 226: 106-114.
6. J. Zhou, S. Zhang, X.-N. Wang, et al., Interaction between coherent second-phase particles and migrating boundaries: Boundary effect and particle reorientation, Scripta Materialia, 2016, 116: 100-103.