Xiaoye Zhao

PhD Visitor

Contact Information 

Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

Phone: 86-17554178536

Office: E3-3167
Email: x342zhao@uwaterloo.ca

Biographical Information

BSc: Shandong University, China

MSc: Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Ph.D: Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Research Interests

  • Laser welding
  • Nano joining
  • Nano devices

Thesis Supervisor(s)

  • Professor Norman Zhou


  • Xiaoye Zhao, Caiwang Tan, Liyuan Xiao, Hongbo Xia, Bo Chen, Xiaoguo Song, Liqun Li and Jicai Feng. Effect of the Ni coating thickness on laser welding-brazing of Mg/steel. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 769 (2018) 1042-1058.
  • Xiaoye Zhao, Caiwang Tan, Shenghao Meng, Bo Chen, Xiaoguo Song, Liqun Li and Jicai Feng. Fiber laser welding-brazing characteristics of dissimilar metals AZ31B Mg alloys to copper with Mg-based filler. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 27 (2018) 1427-1439.
  • Caiwang Tan, Jia Yang, Xiaoye Zhao, Kaiping Zhang, Xiaoguo Song, Bo Chen, Liqun Li and Jicai Feng. Influence of Ni coating on interfacial reactions and mechanical properties in laser welding-brazing of Mg/Ti butt joint. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 764 (2018) 186-201.