- Maximum force 1030 mN
- Load resolution: 1 nN
- Load noise floor: 100 nN
- Maximum depth: 20 um
- Displacement resolution: 0.04 nm
- Displacement noise floor: 0.2 nm
Main functions
Nano indentation testing
- Nano-hardness
- Elastic modulus
- Quantitative load-depth data
- Multilayer thin film evaluation
- Fracture toughness
Nano-scratch testing
- Nanoscratch resistance
- Interfacial adhesion of thin film
- Delamination
- Lateral force measurement
- Mar resistance
Nano-tribological rvaluation
- Scanning wear
- Reciprocating wear
- Single asperity wear
- Ultra-low load friction coefficient
- Lubricant effect
- Additive performance
- Sliding contact analysis
In-situ imaging
- Topographic analysis of sample surface
- Image correlation with post indentation data
- Surface roughness
- Image profiling and 3D analysis

Model: Hysitron TriboIndenter