The Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio systens consists of six interconnected indoor laboratories, on outdoor lab, and a highly advanced computational facility.

Frequency Range: 500 MHz to 110 GHz; Planar/Cylindrical/Spherical Far-field Systems, Far-field System, EMC-EMI Test
Location: E5 Room 1018

ERL Lab: Near-Field Measurement
Frequency range: 2 GHz-1.1 THz, 6' Planar scanning aperture span
Location: E5 Room 1018

RF/Microwave, Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter-Wave System Lab
Frequency Range: 50 MHz to 1.1THz; 4-port PNAX-based Network analyzer, PSA spectrum/signal analysis, programmable signal generator, noise figure characterization.
Location: E5 Room 4031

Frequency range: GHz to THz; CW/pulse THz signal generation/characterization using in-house photo-mixing system, wide-band/narrow-band THz spectroscopy and imaging, quasi-optical BWO characterization setup
Location: E5 4034

On-Chip Antenna Measurement Lab
Frequency range: GHz to THz, on-chip/off-chip wafer probing, on-chip antenna pattern measurement
Location: E5 4034

Laser-based planar circuit/antenna fabrication high precision circuit printing on flexible substrate, multi-layer circuit and planar antenna array fabrication using milling machine, high precision miniaturized circuit and micro-system assembly
Location: E5 Room 4001

High Performance Computational Facility
Advanced multi-core parallel computing platform, all main stream software packages, in-house computational EM software tools

Vehicular Mobile Radio Network Lab and Outdoor Test Road Track
Car-to-car/car-to-roadside radio network measurement, realistic Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) simulation and test, vehicular sensor network characterization, simulation and test of electronic toll plaza vehicle tracking/identification using advancing intelligent antenna/radio systems
Location: off-campus