First Place presented to: Cristian A. Alistarh, from Heriot-Watt University, UK for his contribution entitled: ‘’Spectral Smoothing by Multiple Radar Pattern Multiplication for Improved Accuracy’’
Award presented by: Shahed Shahir, IEEE – Kitchener Waterloo Section Chair

From left: Sujeet Chaudhuri (General Chair), Christian A. Alistarh (the best paper author), Shahed Shahir (IEEE Kitchener-Waterloo Section Chair)
Second Place presented to: Mohamed K. Emara, from Carleton University, Ottawa, ‘’A Low-Profile Dual-Band Tunable AMC Structure for GNSS Antennas and Its Performance Trade-Offs’’
Award presented by: Lot Shafai, ANTEM founder

From left: Lot Shafai (Steering Committee Chair), Mohamed K. Emara (the paper uthor), and Mojgan Daneshmand (Award Chair)
Third Place presented to: Nadeem Ashraf, from Concordia University, Montréal, ‘’ End-Launch Horn Antenna Array for Ka-band 5G Applications’’
Award presented by: Sujeet Chaudhuri, General Chair ANTEM 2018

From left: Sujeet Chaudhuri (General Chair), Nadeem Ashraf (the paper author)