Smith, K. A., Csech, C. ., Murdoch, D. ., & Shaker, G. . (2018). Gesture Recognition Using mm-Wave Sensor for Human-Car Interface. IEEE Sensors Letters.
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Esfahani, A. N., Katbab, A. A., Taeb, A. ., Simon, L. ., & Pope, M. A. (2017). Correlation between Mechanical Dissipation and Improved X-band Electromagnetic Shielding Capabilities of Amine Functionalized Graphene/Thermoplastic Polyurethane Composites. European Polymer Journal, 95, 520-538.
Abdel-Wahab, W. M., Al-Saedi, H. ., & Safavi-Naeini, S. . (2017). RWG-Integrated SIW Splitter for Large Scale SATCOM Phased Array Applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 59, 2675-2680. (Original work published 2017)
Zhou, P. ., P. Y. Tsui, J. ., Chu, S. T., Taeb, A. ., Pun, E. Y.-B., & Chaudhuri, S. K. (2017). Design and Fabrication of a Broadband Millimeter Wave Rectangular-Metallic to Dielectric Rod-Waveguide Adaptor. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 7, 86-92.
Shaker, G. ., Chen, R. ., & Safavi-Naeini, S. . (2017). Smartphone-enabled Biotelemetric System for a Smart Contact Lens. Bioelectronics and Biosensors.
Liu, S. ., Shaker, G. ., Safavi-Naeini, S. ., & Chong, M. . (2017). Detecting Explosives Utilizing mm-Wave Radars. Electronic Military and Defense Magazine.
Amarloo, H. ., & Safavi-Naeini, S. . (2017). Terahertz Line Defect Waveguide Based on Silicon-on-Glass Technology. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 7, 433-439.
Semnani, B. ., Raeis-Zadeh, M. ., Rohani, A. ., Majedi, A. H., & Safavi-Naeini, S. . (2017). Graphene-Integrated Plasmonic Structure for Optical Third Harmonic Generation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23, 156-167.
Diederichs, K. ., Qiu, A. ., & Shaker, G. . (2017). Wireless Biometric Individual Identification Utilizing Millimeter Waves. IEEE Sensors Letters, 1-4.
Al-Saedi, H. ., Abdel-Wahab, W. M., Gigoyan, S. ., Taeb, A. ., & Safavi-Naeini, S. . (2017). A Low-Cost Wideband Phase Shifter for Two-Way MM-Wave Phased Array Antenna System. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 1-10. (Original work published 2017)