Brain Day

a brain and text "Brain Day"

The 17th Annual Waterloo Brain Day - April 7, 2025

Brain Day  April 7, 2025

The University of Waterloo's Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience supports the development of robust explanatory theories of mind and brain through education and research. In pursuit of that goal the CTN has invited four internationally renowned speakers to present generally accessible lectures from each of the perspectives of neuroscience, computational neuroscience, psychology and philosophy on the ideas of mind, brain, theories and models.

This is a free event, and we have a marvellous lineup of speakers. The CTN looks forward to greeting you all on April 7, 2025


This year's speakers have been announced. We are very excited to welcome Michael Fee Neuroscience, Robert Kass, Computation, Aina Puce, Psychology, John Heil, Philosophy. Exact scheduling details will be updated as soon as possible. 

Rough Schedule:

08:30 Light Breakfast Served

09:00 Welcoming Remarks

09:15 Speaker TBA

10:30 Coffee Break: Coffee Provided

10:45 Speaker TBA

12:00 Lunch (bring your lunch or enjoy the many options nearby)

13:30 Speaker TBA

14:45 Break

15:00 Speaker TBA

16:15 Reception: canape platters are served and drink tickets are available

Past Brain Day lecturers include:

Katalin Gothard,Michael Anderson,Maithilee Kunda,Kalanit Grill-Spector,Rafal Bogacz, Dora Angelaki, Nartascha Rajah,Serife Tekin, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Viktor Jirsa, Frances Egan, Lila Davachi, John Maunsell, Michael Arbib, Vinod Menon, William Seager, Marisa Carrasco, Konrad Kording, James DiCarlo, Daniel Dennett, Daniel Schacter, Paul Glimcher, David van Essen, Patricia Churchland, William Bechtel, Geoff Hinton, Jack Gallant, Ned Block, Carl Craver, Terry Sejnowski, Keith Holyoak, Peter Strick, Jay McLelland, Tony Movshon, Jonathan Cohen, Larry Barsalou, Sebastien Seung, Mel Goodale, John Hopfield, Jesse Prinz, David Sheinberg, Gyorgy Buzsaki, Ian Gold, Michael Tarr, and Michael Hasselmo.

Sponsored by: University of Waterloo Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience (CTN), and Office of Research, University of Waterloo.