Graduate Course List
NB: This list is *in addition* to courses listed in Appendix A. As well, these courses are not officially approved to count towards the Graduate Diploma. If you would like to have one count towards the diploma, please contact the director.
- AMATH 651: Dynamical Systems (A unified view of linear and nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations in Rn)
- AMATH 751: Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
- AMATH 882: Mathematical Cell Biology
- SYDE 758: Simulating Neurobiological Systems
- SYDE 750/27: Computational Neuroscience
- CS 679: Neural Networks (cross listed with CS 479 - view webpage for details and pre-requisites)
- CS 787: Computational Vision (Computational vision is concerned with the automatic processing of image and video data for scene reconstruction, object recognition, navigation, and activity detection.)
- CS 870: Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing, "Computational Neuroscience"
- OPTOM 607: Neurophysiology of Vision
- Cog Sci 600 : Cognitive Science Seminar (This seminar-style course will discuss topics concerning the nature of human and computational intelligence. ) - last taught by Jesse Hoey.
- *PSYCH670 - Mind, Math, Theory, and Code (offered irregularly)
- PSYCH 785 - Attention and the Brain (Aims to discuss the latest development in the functions of attention and neural circuits - usually taught by James Danckert (Psychology).
- PSYCH 783 - Neuroimaging of Cognition (Focuses on tools for neural data collection: fMRI; EEG; TMS; and tDCS - James Danckert).
- PSYCH 790 - Classic Cases in Neuropsychology (Seminar discussion classic cases and their contribution to contemporary theories in cognitive (neuro)science - James Danckert)
- *Psych 677a - Fundamentals of Neuroscience ( A team taught course presenting diverse methods and levels of investigation from cellular to cognitive neuroscience).
- * PSYCH 784 - Human Neuroanatomy (Uses MRIcron software to review basic neuroanatomy and seminar style presentations to review the neuroanatomy pertinent for students' graduate research - typically taught by Britt Anderson).
Note: AMATH = Applied Mathematics, SYDE = Systems Design Engineering, CS = Computer Science, KIN = Kinesiology, BIOL = Biology, OPTOM = Optometry, PSYCH = Psychology
Undergraduate Course List
* indicates recommended courses (if you would like the Centre to consider a course to be recommended, please inform us).
- *SYDE 556: Simulating Neurobiological Systems
- *AMATH/BIO 382: Computational Modelling of Cellular Systems
- *SYDE 252: Signals and Systems
- *SYDE 352, AM 455/655: Control Theory
- SYDE 372: Pattern Recognition
- SYDE 422: Machine Intelligence
- SYDE 575: Image Processing
- CS 479: Neural Networks.
- AMATH 451: Dynamical Systems
- *BIOL 377: Systems Neuroscience
- *BIOL 476 - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
- BIOL 376: Cellular Neurophysiology
- *KIN 201: Human Anatomy of the Central Nervous System
- KIN 255: Psychomotor Behaviour
- KIN 356: Information Processing in Human Perceptual Motor Performance
- KIN 357: Motor Learning
- KIN 359: Cognition and Movement
- KIN 416: Neuromuscular Integration
- BIOL 273, SCI 351: Human Physiology
- *PSYCH 261: Physiological Psychology
- PHIL/PSYCH 256: Cognitive Science
- PSYCH 207: Cognitive Processes
- *PSYCH 307: Human Neuropsychology (PSYCH 101 and 207 are prerequisites)
- PSYCH 396: Research in Behavioural Neuroscience
- *PSYCH420/792 - Introduction to the Methods of Computational Neuroscience
- PHIL/PSYCH 447: Seminar in Cognitive Science
Note: AMATH = Applied Mathematics, SYDE = Systems Design Engineering, CS = Computer Science, KIN = Kinesiology, BIOL = Biology, OPTOM = Optometry, PSYCH = Psychology, PHIL = Philosophy
If you know of other courses at the University not listed here, please inform us.