Are you interested in helping fund the Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience (CTN)? There are support opportunities for research, outreach and education.
For more information on individual CTN members and their research please feel free to contact the CTN Director.
We are also actively seeking support for our Brain Day and Colloquium Speaker Series. Brain Day, an annual event for over 15 years, brings four internationally renowned speakers to visit Waterloo and address the philosophical, psychological, neuroscientific, and computational aspects of theoretical neuroscience for a broad audience of undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and interested community members.
Our colloquium speaker series provides unique and essential content for our CTN Graduate Diploma in Theoretical Neuroscience. Our diploma is unique in Canada and support for this series by underwriting the cost of visiting faculty and speakers will allow us to continue to offer this educationally and scientifically distinctive program.
For more information, please contact:
Kim Bardwell, Director, Arts Advancement, University of Waterloo