Associate Professor

Contact information

Jeff Orchard portraitOffice: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre (DC) 3615
Phone: 519-888-4567 x35037
Webpage: Jeff Orchard's website

Cross-appointed to Applied Mathematics


PhD, Simon Fraser University, Computing Science (2003)
MSc, University of British Columbia, Applied Mathematics (1996)
BMath, Waterloo, Applied Mathematics (1994)


Dr. Orchard's research interests centre on complex systems, and the emergence of order. He directs this interest to the study of living systems, with a particular interest in the theory of evolution, and cognitive neuroscience. His current research thrust is to understand the brain by studying neural networks and their associated learning algorithms.

He has also done research in the area of image processing and medical imaging, where he has published a number of papers on image registration, image reconstruction for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), denoising, image mosaicking, and forensic image processing.

University of Waterloo

Profiles by type

Brain Day 2023 Videos On-line

The videos from Brain Day 2023 are now available on line at our youtube channel. Hope you enjoy.

CTN Masters Student Graduate Sugandha Sharma Appears on Generally Intelligent Podcast

Sugandha Sharma, masters student graduate of the University of Waterloo's CTN, discusses her research and time in the laboratory of CTN Founding Director Chris Eliasmith as well as her current PhD research at MIT on the Generally Intelligent Podcast. Give it a listen.

Sue Ann Campbell Presents at International Conference on Mathematical Neurosci 2022

Sue Ann Campbell (Applied Math/CTN core member) recently presented "Modulation of Synchronization by a Slowly Varying Current"  in July 2022 at the International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience; Watch it on YouTubesue ann campbell presentation image of spikes

CTN Research Day 2023 Oct 17 16:30 - 19:00 QNC 0101

The Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience will be hosting its second Research Day. This will be a chance to start the new academic year by getting re-acquainted with each other and the diversity of research conducted by CTN core and affiliate faculty. The format will be to have a number of CTN faculty share short overviews of their lab's and projects (16:30-17:30) and then, following a short coffee break (17:30-18:00), hear from a dozen current graduate students and post-docs giving short three minute talks on an aspect of their current research (18:00-19:00).

Bots and Beasts. New book by CTN Founding Member Paul Thagard

Paul Thagard, philosopher, cognitive scientist, Killam prize winner, and founding CTN member has a new book out: Bots and Beasts. bots and beasts book cover