Come and Support Demine Robotics

Thursday, April 4, 2019 7:30 pm - 7:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Demine Robotics team

Demine Robotics is bringing their robotic solution into the Cambodian minefields to clear explosives and needs your support!

Please join Epp Peace Incubator participant Demine Robotics on International Mine Awareness Day, Thursday, April 4th and be a part of the journey of building robots with a humanitarian mission.

Meet the Waterloo alumnus who is innovating a future free of landmines, Co-Founder and CEO Richard Yim, to hear about their progress and kick-off their crowdfunding and fundraising campaign.

Register here!


Richard Yim - Headshot

Richard Yim
Demine Robotics
Co-Founder and CEO