Grebel Peace Incubator

stylized dove in nest logo

Playing a vital role in the University of Waterloo’s innovation ecosystem, the Grebel Peace Incubator advances expansive and innovative understandings and practices of peace locally and globally.

  • We link new ventures to social innovation tools that help them unpack complex human problems.
  • Our expertise in thinking and working politically helps new ventures engage governments and transform systems.
  • The home of PeaceTech in Waterloo, we support new ventures using tech to create a more peaceful and just world.
  • New ventures in our incubator thrive within a culture of inclusion, collaboration, and community-mindedness.



A group of people talking in the Peace Incubator

Situated in Canada's most vibrant innovation ecosystem, the Centre for Peace Advancement is committed to supporting individuals and providing a home for your venture.


Man writing on whiteboard

In addition to being part of a community of peers, new ventures benefit from the guidance of our Mentorship Circle--as well as connections with innovative peacebuilders and broader networks--in order to develop financially and socially sustainable businesses and nonprofits.


Cassie speaking on stage at Velocity funding presentation

The Centre for Peace Advancement is committed to helping your start-up grow financially through our Peace Incubator Fund, Mitacs funding, or leveraging external grants.

Current Participants

Additional member benefits

Learn more about joining our Centre

Apply to the Grebel Peace Incubator if you

  • have tested an idea that will contribute to the advancement of peace in your community, country or world
  • are part of a team of people who is committed to putting wheels to that idea
  • can commit to being a contributing member of our community

Start the conversation.