
The Federal Election is only weeks way! IC3 is bringing together four panelists to take a closer look at the main Party Platforms through the lens of climate change. 

Join us on October 10th from 10:00am-12:00pm to hear from our panelists as they evaluate the party platforms on a number of topic areas and share their overall rankings! Panel discussion will be followed by Q&A. 

Our news is daily filled with reports of severe, weather-related events and disasters. Earth keeps getting warmer but the world remains cool to taking the necessary action to curb carbon emissions. Most of us now believe climate change is real. But shrinking denial has given way to growing despair. Can we win this fight? Honestly?

Dalton McGuinty

Byron Williston, IC3 member and associate professor in the Philosophy department at Wilfrid Laurier University, will be speaking on his newly released book, The Anthropocene Project,at Laurier’s Waterloo campus on September 29th. The book attempts to make philosophical sense of the grave threat posed by climate change to civilization.  

One million migrants arrived in Europe in 2015 seeking asylum from war and conflict. Yet many researchers warn these numbers are small compared with the number of people who will be displaced global in coming decades because of climate change. Will the next great waves of international migration have environmental causes? What are the potential implications for North America? What can we do now to prepare for future climate migration? Join Canadian and American experts in an open discussion of what we know about global environmental migration, and what research has yet to tell us.