University of Waterloo (UW) technologies and research are revolutionizing the development of greenhouse gas reduction, contributing to innovative solutions applicable to a variety of industrial sectors.
Join us to connect with UW’s research expertise and technologies and explore opportunities for collaborations in the areas of industrial greenhouse gas emission reduction. In particular, this event will focus on connecting industry and researchers with interest in the following three categories:
1. Industrial Point Source
2. Value Chain
3. CO2 Innovations
An overview of potential funding opportunities through Ontario Centres of Excellence and NSERC will also be presented.

This event is open to all University of Waterloo faculty, industry, and government organizations.
Please note: Due to the format of this event, there are a limited number of spaces available (10) for current graduate students and post-docs. Unfortunately, undergraduate students are not eligible to attend this forum.
Pay parking is available in lot Q.
Benefits to researchers:
- Meet potential research sponsors
- Learn about industry problems
- Gain exposure for your research
- Introduce companies to students
- Network with colleagues
Benefits to companies:
- Learn about Waterloo research and advances in applications related to greenhouse gas reduction
- Explore partnerships to address specific company interests
- Network and build relationships with researchers and students
AGENDA (subject to change)
2:00 | Registration |
2:30 | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
2:45 |
Ontario Centers of Excellence (OCE) TargetGHG Funding NSERC Presentation |
3:00 | Researcher and Company Presentations |
4:00 | Networking Reception |
5:30 | Close |
For more information contact:
Evelyn Allen, Office of Research, University of Waterloo
Supported by the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Natural Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE), Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBB), Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change (IC3), and the University of Waterloo.
Listing extracted from the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology's events.